✧ chapter twenty-three ✧

Start from the beginning

"But I'm enjoying the sun..." I breathe. As if the weather was testing me, a cloud had suddenly blown over to in front of the sun, causing the brightness to diminish. I acknowledged the lack of light and opened my eyes, lifting up my sunglasses and sitting up with a huff.

"That's a mother fucking sign from the gods if I've ever seen one." Chris chuckles. I roll my eyes and gather my towel, I may as well talk to him. I'm as curious for answers as Chris was.

"Go get those answers bish!" Chris calls. I laugh and give him an awkward thumbs up before entering the house and beginning my trek to Harry's room. I started tossing up questions that I could ask him in my head. What did I really wanted to know? Honestly, everything.

I approached Harry's room and knock unhesitatingly on the door. I cussed to myself when I acknowledged the fact I was still in a swimsuit with a towel loosely draped around my body. This'll be a sight for sore eyes.

"Come in." Harry beckons. I open the door and poke my head inside.

"Hey... uh. Can I talk to you?" I question him. I observe him laying on his bed, phone in hand. He seemed very uncaring of my presence, which threw me off a bit. Maybe this was a mistake.

I took his silence as an urge to continue and I stepped inside his Christian Grey style room. "Shut the door." He demanded. I was unhappy with the idea of having a shut door closing us off from the outside world- but I obliged and closed the door cautiously behind me.

I decided not to manoeuvre away from the door yet, just in case I needed a quick escape. "I wanted to talk about last night..."

He takes his focus off his phone, sitting up and giving me his full attention. Although he was sitting down still, I felt as if his presence was shadowing over me.

"I just want to know why it happened and-" I mutter quietly before being cut off.

"I can't hear you when you're mumbling princess. If you're gonna talk so quietly and cautiously how about you get a little closer so I can actually understand you." He muses. I feel my cheeks redden but I submit, walking closer towards the bed.

"Sit down. Get comfortable." He tells me. With a huff I hesitantly sit down, making sure to keep the towel wrapped around me. He smirks at me, I purposely left a substantial gap between us however.

"Well, to start. It happened because you kissed me." Harry chuckled. I widened my eyes and groaned in annoyance.

"So you could hear me." I threw my arms up in annoyance before going to stand up and leave. This was a bad idea.

"Stay." He commanded, grabbing my wrist as I attempted to stand. With an irritated expression and a clench of my jaw, I sat back down.

"It shouldn't have happened. My brother told me I can't be screwing around or dating anyone here. Whatever is going on with us has to stop because I don't see it ending well at all." I rant. I close my mouth and look into his forest green eyes, they were so captivating and dangerous- any command under his gaze would be done. I quickly look away, not testing my luck.

"What's wrong with a bit of fun, Ariana." He smirked at me. I unobtrusively bite my lip at the thought. I suddenly retracted my actions, what was I thinking? Nothing could be fun about doing shit with Harry. I'd be in for a world of hurt.

"Emotions shouldn't be played with." I look towards the door, planning my escape.

"What if I told you there would be no strings attached, doll?" He turns my head towards him. He had moved closer and the space between us was dangerous close. I felt everywhere in my body heat up. "Do you remember my offer Ariana?"

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