(4) To Good To Be True

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-3 months later-

It was a month into their senior year. Bucky and Alexis had been spending time together working on their "chemistry" for the show. But that didn't mean his feelings towards had changed.

It was a Saturday night the school just had their homecoming football game the night before. Bucky and his friends were all at the drive in. He felt his phone buzz he opened up his text messages.

"Where are you? We have practice."

"Sorry at the drive in."

"Really? Thats more important."

"Uh yeah."

Alexis rolled her eyes and left the theatre hall. As she was about to head home she felt her phone buzz.

"Come here. You need to get out more anyways."

"Fine..and I do get out."

She found where they was parked she parked next to his bike. He came over to her.

"Look Im sorry. But I will make up practice time next weekend. I promise.." he said

"Whatever.." she said

As it started to get dark they got in her car. When the movie started to play Bucky made sure no one could see them. He made her look at him and kissed her.

She went wide eyed. "Bucky" she whispered

"Shh.." he whispered as he kissed her neck.

"Mmm...Buck..what..oh my god." She whispered as she felt him on her sweet spot.

"You know you want this." He whispered as he ran his hand up her thigh.

"Bucky stop.." she whispered then he cut her off with a kiss.

He laid her back on her back seat. The more he kept trying to feel her up she kept fighting him to stop.

"Come on darlin. You and I both know you want this." He said

"Bucky I am not one of those girls you can maniplate into sex. I am a virgin and I plan to stay that way till I met the boy that truly loves me." She said

He wiped his mouth. "Im gonna go. You can go home." He said as he left her there in her back seat.

As she was getting in her driver seat she saw him flirting with Chloe and getting in her car. She shook her head and left. When she got home she took a shower where she cried.

On Monday morning it didn't take long for him to notice she was missing. Her red car was always there before he was. He thought she was running late till she never showed up for class.

That afternoon when everyone was about to start practice. She came in last with her glasses on hair in a messy bun.

"Alexis?" Mrs Matthews said

She pulled all four teachers away. "I want to give my part to some one else. I will do my senior solo show but I refuse to do be Sandy/Stephanie or sing duets or dance." She said

"Lex honey. You have never done this. What's wrong?" Mrs Davidson said

"I cant do it." She said as tears welled

"Okay..if you arent ready to talk about it." Mrs Matthews said

Alexis walked back to the rest of the class. She handed her folder to Chloe. "Here you can have it.." she said

"Alexis?" Chloe said as she took it.

She started to walk out when Bucky ran after her. "Alexis?" He said

She just kept walking he ran in front of her. "What are you doing?" He said

"Im going home." She said

"Alexis. Im sorry about this weekend okay but I have put in 3 fucking months of work with you on this stupid thing." He said

"And now it wont be so hard. She isn't a nerd she is everything you like about girls. So leave me alone and go back to pretending like I dont exist." She said as she walked away.

"Alexis.." he said as he watched her walk away.

He went back inside and sat down. Weston looked at him "Dude what the hell just happened?"

"I tried to sleep with her Saturday night. She kept fighting me when I would try to feel her up." He whispered

"You alright?" Easton said

"Yeah.." he said as his palms suddenly got sweaty when he saw his grandmother.

Mrs Davidson and the others were standing on the stage. "Chloe give me the folder. You all may go home until we talk to Fury to see what he wants to do rehearsals are on hold. This isnt something we needed a month before the show. But right now we have to respect Ms Hartley's wishes." Mrs Matthews said

Chloe gave her the folder as they all left. That night when got home from football.

"What did you do James?" Vivian said from the living room.

"Nothing. Maybe she was burnt out I know I am. Im glad the thing is put on hold." Bucky said as he walked to his room.

James came up behind his mom. "He rambles when he is lying." James said

Vivian let out a laugh. "Sounds just like you and your brothers." Viv said

"Hey I was the good one." James said

"You got better." Vivian said

"Yeah.." James said

"She would have been good for him James. She isnt one of these blonde bimbos he is bringing home. Who is probably only after his money. Alexis is smart beautiful and everything he needs in a future wife. Hudson has done amazing with her." Vivian said

"I know mom." He said as they left the foyer.

Bucky was sitting on the roof smoking a joint. He could see Alexis' house he saw her car in the driveway. He pulled out his phone and tried to call her.

"Come on Lex pick up." He whispered as she let it ring as she laid in her bed.

Bucky sighed then climbed back into his room. As he was about to put his phone on the charger his phone buzzed.

He opened up his messages to see a message from Weston.

"You got more college letters here. I will bring them to you in the morning."

"Thanks man."

Bucky had been using Weston and Easton's address to get college letters. Six months ago his dad told him to go enlist like the rest of the men in his family. But he lied and said he did when he didn't.

He was hoping that lie was going to stay hidden. Bucky deleted the messages then joined his family downstairs for dinner.

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