This was freaking me out and am losing it gradually....
I avoided her eyes.... I try not to laugh at her sarcasm.. She's so cute when she's trying to be funny but I can't even smile or all this would be for nothing

Then she just went on and said
'I have fallen in love with you Felix '
I want to hug her so tightly and kiss her jawbone and carry on my waist
Even though I keep denying what I know is there.. I know how much I care about my shorty and how much it hurts to say all these awful things to  her

She's making it so damn tough
I really wished the situation was different..... And it didn't have to be this way ... But there's no other way

And when she was begging me to stay.. My knees were getting weak and if I didn't get to the car on time I might just go right back into her arms

As I speed off, I couldn't take my eyes off the mirror as I watch her stand there helplessly
Fuck... This is so cruel
I shouldn't have left her there I should have offered to take her home

So I called Mario and told him to go pick her up and take her back to her condo and make sure she's fine

I can't undo my wrongs
It started with a very strong attraction between us... I thought it was just sex but it grew... It became an obsession. I always want to be around her and look at where that got us
In a messy ridiculous breakup

Mario called me when I was pulling into the driveway at the house

"Yes mario.... "

"Hello sir, I couldn't find her....... "

"What, and why are you just getting there"

"I was unable to locate the place on time "

"Well check everywhere, she has to be around there somewhere, she couldn't have gotten far"

"Alright sir "

"And do what you have to do.... Don't call me, I'll call you "

"Ok sir''

When I got off the phone I was hearing music playing faintly in the background and when I looked out the whole driveway was occupied with different cars

What the hell is going on

I walked into the house and found Rosita carrying a tray filled with croissant and she was wearing a costume with two others

"Hey Rosita, what's going on here and where's that music coming from"

"Welcome back sir.... Madam has been waiting for you to join the party "

"What party...... "

"Your party sir.... Everyone's out in the garden"

"A party... You've gat to be kidding me "

I walked out through the back door and was staring at my back lawn turned into a party ground

Chairs and tables in round circle, music blaring... And people pacing around in groups
There's even a barbeque stand,
It almost 11pm and they are all here
Mostly familiar faces and I felt drowsy all of a sudden

I thought I was heading home to have some peace and quiet not this charade

Just when I was busy thinking of how to disappear from this
Someone spotted me and I was dragged into the party

Jessica of course was wearing a red ball dress with her hair up and pearls on her ears and neck....

She walked towards me and embraced me then gathered everyone round

"The man of the hour is finally here"

Everyone cheered and clapped
My mom and sister was here too...
There's even Ronnie my childhood friend I haven't seen him in years and other close relatives

"Am really happy you  all came out here to support and honor us" she continued
"As we celebrate our seventh year anniversary... Thank you all for coming.. We love you all"

It my anniversary party and I didn't even know I was having a party
I wore a big smile and shake as many hands as possible, hug as many people as possible

I was worn out and everyone wants to hear one or two things about the happy couple when it looked like I couldn't keep up anymore..
I had to get Jessica's attention and call her to the house

"Hey sweetie "

"What is the meaning of all this "

"Our anniversary baby, do you like the surprise "
She pulled at my jacket

"Oh look at you so stressed... I had your matching outfits waiting but you didn't come early... Where were you "

"Why would you pull a stunt like this without informing me "

"What stunt... This was meant to be a surprise "

"What surprise... Our anniversary was last week, don't you think this is unnecessary "

"Unnecessary " she chuckles
"What is unnecessary is what stood in the way of having this party at the appropriate time... Do you remember, the little affair you had with that whore "

Of course I remember
You do a great job at making sure I don't forget

"I thought we are suppose to be moving pass this not reflecting on it"

"Exactly which is why you should be out there entertaining our guests not complaining "

"Am not complaining "

"Yeah You shouldn't because you lost that right.... That reminds me did you take care of it"

"Of what "

"Your bitch "

"She's not a bitch"

"She's not a whaaat..... Oh you want to go ahead and defend your mistress.. Go on "

"Am not defending her "

"That's what I thought, so did you take care of it"

"I did"
I answered reluctantly
She locked her hand in mine and led me back to the party
Welcome to my new hell

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