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I stood outside Eleanor's place just to make it easier for the person trying to locate me

About 15minutes later
a black SUV with tinted windows parked just right beside me

I watched closely as the driver hopped down and went round the car towards me

To say the driver was huge, was an understatement... He was so tall and well-built that my eyes were hanging up to look at him

He was wearing a dark suit with black tie. On a white shir .. And black shoes
He looked like the Transporter or one of the X-MEN and I got a little frightened when he approached me

The coast was clear and he could easily kidnap me if he wishes

"Hello... Miss, I was sent by Mr. Harper to pick you up"

"Who were you sent to pick"

"Miss Matilda"

"How do you know am Miss Matilda"

"I was given a proper description of you"

"And how am I sure you were sent by Mr. Harper.... I don't even recognize this car"

"Mr. Harper has series of cars miss... Would you like to call and confirm "

His voice was low but authoritative
I picked out my phone and dialed Felix
Why didn't he come and pick me up himself, instead of sending his bodyguard as a chauffeur

"Hello Felix "

"Hey... Are you already on your way?"

"No.... " I took several steps away from the big man

"Why did you send big man to pick me up"

"He's my driver.... Matilda, it his job"

"Are you sure... This guy is trustworthy, I mean I don't want to get in and the next thing I know is am being mailed down to China in a container" I said in a low voice

Felix burst into laughter
and his laughter was almost making me laugh
I think this is the first time have ever heard him laugh
And it sounded so romantic

Is it weird that I find everything about him romantic...? Even at the slightest

"Get in to the car already Matilda, am waiting for you... "

"Okay.... "

I Turned to the big man and raised my chin as he opened the back door of the car for me
Giving me royal treatment

The back of the car was comfy and the drive was smooth
we drove for almost an hour before we pulled over in front a nice tall building....

"Are we there?"

He didn't say anything... Instead he hopped down and opened the door for me to get down

You see why I assumed he was a kidnaper in the first place
It because he not only looks like one, he acts like one

He led me to the entrance of the building where a security guard was behind a desk

We got into an elevator and rode up to the 19th floor,
What is this place
We strolled down the hallway and stopped at the last door on my left

I was fed up with the questions
and am just going to assume Felix surprise is worth it

The door was opened by Felix himself
Speak of the devil
He was wearing a sky blue shirt with the arms rolled up and collar flying up, he smiled at me and nod at the big man
who immediately turned around and left

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