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🎶Anne Marie-- Perfect to Me🎶

"I'm also thinking... If Tilda would like to design my wedding dress"

I was too busy comparing the couples that I forgot to pay attention to the conversation we were having

"Matilda.... " it sounded almost like my grandmother yelling at me


"You were lost... What are thinking about?"

OH honey. You don't wanna know

"Nothing... What were you saying?"

"I was asking if you'd like to design my wedding dress"

"What. ... Your wedding.. Yeah of course.... I'd love to"

"Great... Then get to it immediately"

"Wait! How soon is the wedding"

"About a month..... Pene doesn't want to waste any more time"

Of course

"But my mom is setting a perfect date"

"Wow.... Am so happy for you Bec Bec... And you too Pepe... Sorry i mean penny"

Becca giggles and squeezed Pene's hands

"Thanks Matilda" Pene answered softly

"Thanks bestie... But of course you are my maid of honor right"

"Yeah.. Yeah of course.... "I smiled

What's with this entire bombshell thrown at me today
I don't think I can it take any more
I am escalated
I have never been anyone's maid of honor before

I've never been anyone's anything
Why do I feel like my life is about to change
I don't know if am ready for it
But I sure like all the surprises

We went home and showered
Becca had to go to work.
so Pene drove her work
And I just sat alone on my bed relieving what went down just this morning

I have to get use to being on my own from now on

I decided to do some house cleaning and then I came across the tiny card Mr. Harper gave me this morning

This means more than just a card to me
It represented a lot and come Monday I will find out

And Mr. Harper was looking absolutely stunning in his outfit today
Okay I have to admit.
He got me hooked on that bench thinking of all sorts of things

But can't say I blame me
The man just screams Hot! Hot!! Hot!!!

In suits he is a charmer
And in slacks he is a killer

I can't wait to see those steel grey eyes come Monday
At least now.. I have something I look forward to on Monday

Sunday passed by quickly
Saying Goodbye to Becca was even harder than I expected
I was this close to crying

But I'm not going to stand in her way of happiness...
She has to go

I stayed at home and watch one of my favorite movies
'Annabelle collections'

I don't know why I just like scary movies... But I never pee in my pants out of anxiety

Leave that to Becca to throw the pillow on her face. The moment something bad is about to happen

.... Monday morning......
Today I actually woke up to the first ding of the alarm
I brushed my teeth and even made time to shave properly

I then sat in front of my wardrobe for exactly fifteen minutes
I had no idea.... What to wear

Am staring at bunch of party rocking dresses, hiking suits, swim wears and my regular jean for casual
And nothing speaks English

My regular wears to work are what I deem perfect and comfy
It could be baggy jeans or tight jean on a tank top, sweat shirt or hoody

Most days I just wear whatever the mood wants.. I rarely have time to think about it. I'm either rushing to work or running to catch the last bus

Those days I don't even have Time to brush my teeth and am stealing the last piece of Becca's cookies

My life is just the way it is
I just do what I want
I don't exactly dress to impress
I love every single part of my body
I'm not into fancy clothes
I rarely wear make-up
But all this is perfect to me

I know I want to make a difference but it doesn't have to start immediately especially not with the kind of clothes that I wear

So I just picked out.. A tight jean paired it with my green sweatshirt, tie my hair in loose bun and wore my canvas

It's a new day
My attitude is going to speak for itself
And it started with me getting to work before half the staffs

Stacy winked at me as I handed her coffee

"Are You looking for a raise"

"I've worked long enough to get one don't you think"

"I think it long overdue "
She smiled and I walked to my cubicle pretending not to care about the gossips and glares that were hanging in the hallway

How did I even find my way here
Just typical questions I ask myself sometimes?

I was doing all sorts of odd jobs just to get by every day
I was still working at a small cafe downtown when I heard the customers.. Two ladies gist about a modeling audition

I got curious.. I made sure I got every detail of the audition in my small notepad meant for taking orders

I really needed some extra cash
and what harm could this do

I got ready and I attended the audition
we were over hundred applicants
And the first screening was basically the physical aspect

Girls were cut off for their chubby cheeks, their bulky eyeballs, Their big belle, their hair, their weight, their skin color but I was disqualified because of my height

Can you imagine....
I had spent all the night working on my posture, my walk, my smile and some fool just took one good look at me and said... "You are too short "
There's nothing wrong with my height am under 5'3' am OK

And that's how i was kicked out without even trying

Eleanor was one of the judges and I had seen her in one of the magazine

I was standing outside talking to myself when she walked out of the door and I just turned without looking and bumped into her

Then my sketchpad fell out of my bag
exposing all my wonderful designs
she saw them and boom I got a job

Not as a silly runway model
but as the one who designs their dresses
how's that for luck.....

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