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  Camila Cabello -Shameless 🎶

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My first impulse was to go on that stage and yell at Eleanor
how she can just bypass my designs just like that

I work so hard to put this shit together
just yesterday she was telling me that she loves my designs and would like to make them the masterpiece for the evening

Was she just saying all this things to get me excited and feeling like am a huge part of the evening but it was all a lie?

I hurried into the small dressing room, packed my stuff and left the mad house..... Stacy was trying to talk to me but I did not pay any attention to her

I was too upset to give a shit.
I stopped a cab and when the driver asked where I was heading to.... I couldn't think straight

I can't go home... Coz I would probably just die of boredom and I don't want to go drinking in the bar and run into another frog

I stare at Felix golden card in my hand, if there's anything that I enjoyed this evening.... It be spending time with him and our small moment of heat in my dressing cabin

He asked me to get a cheap and deserted motel....... And it obvious we won't be counting bricks in the motel room... We are definitely going down tonight

I don't think I have ever wanted anyone the way that my lungs and heart is screaming at me to be with him. I might just wake up tomorrow and regret all of this but one thing is sure this is the only thing that makes sense right now

So I made the driver take me to a motel befitting the description... Throughout the drive to the motel, I kept rethinking the turn of events in these last few weeks....

And it all starts and ends with Felix... To think that his wife is dressed in my designs.... Fortunately the only one displayed tonight

When we got to the hotel... I paid the cabman and walked into. The sick excuse of a building called a motel... I was too deep in thought the whole time I didn't realize we were in the middle of nowhere

The man at the reception was an elderly man with thick long beards and his glasses sitting on the edge his nose bridge

I try to ignore the cobwebs hanging around the cupboard behind him... I asked for the room that has been recently cleaned and he handed me keys to room 13

They only accept cash so I had to drop down my last cents... He was also the one that led me to the room..... Just opposite the car park..... It was too quiet and it scared the crap out of me

Once I was inside...... I bolt the door and sat on the bed for over fifteen minutes debating if I should text him or not, the room was not so bad, the bed was comfy but I doubt it would reach the rich boy's standards

I texted him the hotel name, address and room number.....
Now it up to him to show up
I removed my shoes and lay on the bed just thinking about my life

If Felix doesn't show up.. ...Am stranded that's for sure.. I don't have any money to ride back home

I couldn't sleep but after 30minutes and I didn't hear anything from Felix. I concluded he wasn't coming. This was such a dumb idea.... From the beginning.... I should have just gone home and cry my eyes out

I was pacing the room and biting my nails just like I always do when am nervous and confused
then a knock on the door...

Don't get too excited
I cautioned myself
it could be... The old man from the reception
it could even be robbers
It could be anybody

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