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I finished my morning jog and returned home only to find Jessica all dressed up to go out

There she goes again....
Pretending to care, she smiled at me
she is probably going to be gone for a long time as usual

"Baby... There you are, I have been waiting for you all morning"

"Whyyy... "

"Honey..... I just wanted to spend time with you, You should have woken me up when you were leaving... We would have gone out together to jog.. Just like old times"

"When was the last time. We went out for a jog let alone spend time together"

"Baby.. I know. Work has really occupied my time but I really want to make time for you... For us"

"I see..... And you are dressed to go out too, Is that how we are supposed to spend time together "

"Actually..... I was waiting for you so we can go together"

"Go where"

"Go out for brunch... Somewhere nice"

"Am fine.... I have things to do., You can go on your own.... "

"Baby... Stop being like this, I know you have been upset with me. This is an avenue to work things out.... Pls darling.. Go out with me"

She pout her mouth and close her eyes

"Pretty please..... "

"Okayyy.. Fine" I succumbed with a sigh

"Yes..... Fantastic! "she jammed her hands together "... Go get ready.... And oh.... That reminds me babe, we need to make one short stop at a client's place... They want me to host their show tomorrow... So I just need to drop by quickly to finalize somethings"

Why did I say... Yes in the first place
I should have known, she was up to something being all lovey dovey and acting all nice

"Okayyy... " I raised my eyebrow

"Great.... You are the best babe... I love you "

Sometimes I have to give Jessica credit for her acting, she's good
She knows how to turn the tide in her favor and that's how it has been for years

I got dressed in simple T-shirt and jeans. She had something to say about my outfit but it looks like she was running late for her meeting, so she overlooked it

I played chauffeur to her client's office and parked besides the building, she asked that I follow her inside but how stupid would I look to play my wife's bodyguard

As soon as we get in there all attention will be on her, and I would just be the insignificant figure trailing around.

I'd rather stay here in the car and wait
She gave me a kiss and hop down saying she'd only be gone for fifteen minutes

About an hour later.
I was busy on my phone...
I could have spent the rest of the morning resting in my house but here I am wasting time waiting for her.. While she work

If she doesn't come out in the next ten minutes... I would go back home and she can call her driver to pick her or grab a cab... I don't care

I can't believe, I actually thought... She wanted to spend time with me
Looks like am stuck in the car

The banging against the window, made me raise my head to look up

And she was staring back at me
Oh my gosh
How did she find me

I haven't seen her, since that night.... And I actually thought it was for the best. It gets complicated to be around her and I thought it be better we never run into each other again

I hop down slowly and she was staring at me intensely.
She looked really cute in her shorts and sneakers..

I notice she likes wearing them a lot,
And her hair is all messy
Focus.... Felix... Focus
Ask her how she found you

"What are you doing here"
She beats me to it

"I... Came here with someone, what are you doing here " I answered

"I work here..... " she pointed at the building beside us

Ohhh, I try to take a quick look around.... She works here. That made sense...

Is it the fact that I haven't stop thinking of the kiss we shared that night at the office or the fact that seeing her again.. Is driving me nuts in my head

I badly want to grab her waist and pull her closer
she looked angry, she was talking so fast and I couldn't concentrate

"You are married "
She screamed..... Yeah am married, everybody knows that, she raised a finger to my face and blab on

I try to keep up with her
but my mind and eyes were scanning elsewhere

Then Jessica's voice came in from the other side
she's here already.... Why

"Who were you talking to"

"No one " my eyes were fixed on Matilda's lovely honey brown eyes
But her gaze spit fire
She looked like she was about to set me ablaze and she is.... Just by looking at me like that

I swallowed hard and I try to keep up with what Jessica was saying on her end, when I moved to the trunk to open it.... Matilda walked away and that made me sad

I didn't know she didn't know I was married
I thought she was cool with it. Most girls are..
I know how many ladies hit on me on daily basis despite the fact that am married

I may never have considered cheating on Jessica my entire life but watching Matilda leave is like tearing me apart from the inside

The rest of the day was a blur
The brunch we were supposed to have turned into a late lunch accompanied with a lot of paparazzi

Her fans flooded the restaurant quickly and the thirty minutes we spent at the restaurant was used to sign autographs and take pictures

Of course as usual... I was observing from my end..
I know this is Jessica biggest dream to be famous and loved by all. But At what cost......

I have always supported her and encouraged her to go on and I cannot take that away from her
I won't even succeed if I try...... I know how much this means to her

I tried to enjoy the little show in front of me but my mind was elsewhere
I can't help it.....
My head is pounding and I need to rest

I told her and we left the restaurant quickly, she wouldn't stop talking on our way back home and then she said

"I'd Like you to come with me to Eleanor's show tomorrow... No... I would be honored if you come with me to the show I'll be hosting tomorrow... It would make me extremely happy to look at the audience and find you smiling back at me"

"You know am not interested in these things"

"I know babe... But this would mean a lot to me"

"drop it already..... Jess, am not tagging along like some pet dog"

I can't imagine, spending my day in that setting
But wait.... I will get to see her at the fashion show tomorrow...
Maybe even get a chance to apologize to her
that's the least I can do...

I cleared my throat

"Uhhmmm. I hope it won't take forever"

"No not at all"

"Okay.. Fine, I'll leave when am bored"

"That's perfect.... Thank you"

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