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When I got the message from Jessica I was thrown over immediately
I had a really long day and I was really starting to loosen up because Matilda kind of have her way of making you feel better about yourself

I had to leave even though I didn't want to I couldn't ignore a text that says

**get down here right now or you will be getting a call from the police saying your house is on fire.. Coz am about to set everything ablaze**

I don't know how many people get texts from their wife saying she's literally about to do something crazy especially when she's a composed public figure who wouldn't want anything tinting her image

The drive home was the most draining short drive ever.... The house was just fifteen minutes away. I thought it was too close when I was getting the place for Matilda but it was actually a wise move for situations like this

I pulled up at the house and everything still looks intent, I walked into the house and all the lights were turned off

I pulled out my phone and try to find the light switch in the dark

"Jessie..... "

Where the fuck is she

"Jessica.... " I turned on the light and the room was decorated with balloons and flowers
What the heck
and there she was sitting by the bar with a glass of wine in one hand and head bowed

I moved close to her and rub her shoulder

"Jessica... What is going on, why did you send me that text... What's wrong with you and what's all these"

"Happy Anniversary baby "
. she whispered softly

Oh my God
It's actually today.... How did I forget that today is September 15th.. And it only a few minutes before midnight

I have never forgotten about our anniversary before
Its the one thing that we always look forward too
Jessica was eager about counting the number of years we've spent together
And I was just..... The happy husband I guess

I looked around the room and I suddenly felt so disappointed in myself.... I have been so carried away lately.

"Ohhh honey..... I... I'm so sorry, happy anniversary to us"

She turned to look at me and I plastered a huge smile on my face

"Now You call me honey and you are sorry " she slutters

I raised my brow
Is she drunk
She must have been really angry
Jessica never loses control, she's always playing by the books

"Baby..... Jessica it wasn't intentional.. I have so much on my plate I am really sorry "

"what exactly are you sorry for "

"I'm sorry for forgetting our anniversary and missing a really nice dinner... Am sure you put alot of efforts into it..... It really nice "

"Nice huh... "

, "hmmn"

"You know when I told you about the meeting with the marriage counselor this week and you canceled on me... I knew that something was up... But I had no idea it was something like this "

"About the counseling... I told you I wasn't interested, why are we having this conversation again..... I thought we already passed that ... And stop drinking already "

I tried to take the glass from her but she pushed me and ended up shattering the glass

"Jessie... What has gotten over you... Yeah I miss the anniversary for the first time...... Why are you overreacting.. First you gave me that really creepy text and now you drunk "

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