Chapter 8

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You placed the phone to your ear.

"Hey babe. Before you say anything let me explain."


Miko gave you a concerned look as a intense mix of confused rage flashed in your eyes. Your mouth pressed to a thin line while your eyebrows pinched together.

When you saw his contact your heart skipped a beat. But immediately your stomach clenched.

How could he have the audacity to leave like that and call you like everything is fine and dandy.

But then again he spoke in a rushed sentence. Before you could get a single word out.  So you sat in tense silence and prepared for what he was going to say.  Completely expecting the worst. Almost sure he was going to try to back out and say it all was a fluke. Or some wild dream you had.

"Just hear me out.  I'm outside the base. Meet me out there.  It will be easier to explain it to you in person."

You inhaled sharply.  But stopped the words that were about to flow from your mouth.  Carefully pondering what you were about to say.

It made wheeljack tense. He knew he might've royally screwed up but there were a few things he wanted to tell you before you completely went off on him or cut off contact.

"Why should I?" Your voice was even.  Too even. 

"...I promise that if you come and hear me out can leave afterwards if you are still mad at me." primus it hurt him so much to say that but he wanted to get to you that he was being serious.

You let out a shaky sigh and ran a hand through your hair.

You would listen to him. You will give him a chance and trust him just this once that what he had to say will make up for his complete absence.

You ended the call and looked over at Miko.

She stared back with big serious eyes. "He's here and you're going aren't you?"

You nodded wordlessly. To which she understood. She knew you were so pissed.  And rightfully so.  But she knew that you needed to go. So she didn't say anything because she knew she didn't need to.

While you walked out she silently followed back out to the main base.  Mentally rooting for you guys.

After watching wheeljack go full protective mode on you there must be a reason. Even she knew that.  So she hoped everything will turn out all right.

You walked through the tunnel and out the exit of the base. 

As soon as your eyes adjusted you saw him standing only a couple of meters away.

Standing up a bit straighter you forced all emotion back down your throat. You will not smile; you will not cry.

Most of all you didn't want to get hurt again.

You both walked over to each other.  The tension so thick it felt like it could be sliced by one of his giant swords.

"So...  What was it that you wanted to talk about." you inquired once you both stood right in front of each other.

Wheeljack got on a knee to try to crouch down more to your level.  Getting a better chance to look you in the eyes.  Which in turn made you internally squirm a bit.

"I understand if your angry with me.  You have every right to be.  And ... I'm sorry."

You were slightly taken aback at hearing him apologize but it didn't completely quell your anger.

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