46 days before part 1

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I actually did have to drive the king of mean everywhere. His friend murphy didnt want to, an I had alot of free time now that i have no tutoring sessions to do.

Bellamy and I have been spending every spare minute of the day together.

He apologizes every 10 minutes. It's getting kind of annoying. But I really like spending time with him, so i put up with it.

"Hey princess whatcha dooin?" Bellamy asked bumping into my shoulder.

"on my way to class." I reply bumping him back. I want to continue flirting but I rember echos words.

"Can you find someone else to drive you home I cant today. My mom is sick, I need to be there for her." I told him. He looked disappointed that I wasn't going to be with him today.

"Yeah. Yeah see you later." He said walking away. That's strange he always tries to apologize before he leaves me alone.



I didn't want to ask anyone else to drive me today. If clarkes mom was really sick she would get home faster if she drove me.

Shes probably just trying to push me away again. But this time he didnt do anything wrong. I have to talk to her after class.

An hour went by and I got let out of class. I walked to our usual spot on the bleachers where I know shes going to be sitting.

Just as I thought she was sitting there. Before I walked up to her I stood there in awe of her beauty. Her golden hair tied up in a sloppy bun. Unlike her brushed out hair from this morning.

She looked stressed out. I wish I could take her away from here. To a place where it was just me and her. But I knew I couldn't. Everytime I get to close I have to push her away.

I dont want her to end up like my mother. I blame myself for her death. She killed herself because of me. I shake my head trying to clear it from the poisoned thoughts.

I walked up to Clarke and watched her draw a female track runner. I sat down.

"Clarke what's going on?" I asked her. She continued to look out at the field.

"Can you just not ask about this one thing please." She finally looked at me with pleading eyes.

"But why-" I started before she jumped up and almost shouted.

"Just let it go bellamy please!" She had a strange look on her face. "Hey it's ok I'm here for you." I told her grabbing her arm. She flinched away. No. No. Not this again. She has to know that I cant hurt her. "Princess..." she walked away looking scared.



I have to find a way to convince Bellamy to stop wanting to hang out with me.

I was walking down the hallway to go to the bathroom when Echo steps in front of me. I stop immediately.

"What do you want Echo. I did what you said I canceled all plans that I had with Bellamy." I tell her trying to escape. She blocks my exit.

"I'm gonna remind you once again, do not speak to him. Do not hang out with him. Dont even look at him. Bellamy Blake is mine. You got me?" She asks.

"Loud and clear." I mumble.

"What? I didnt hear you little princess." She said mockingly.

Hearing her call me Bellamy's nickname made rage boil in my veins.

"Get away from me!" I tell in her face. She backs me up against the locker. "You just think your so much better then everyone here dont you little princess?" She whispers viciously.

"No!" I say putting my hands on her shoulders in attempt to push her back.

The bell chimes indicating the release of class. I dont want anyone to see this so I push hard against Echo.

this time I get the chance to walk away. Before i could get far i felt her hand grabbing my hair and yanking me to the ground.

At this point people were staring. She kicked my stomach, and I bit my tongue causing me to spit out blood all over the floor.

Black dots were blurring my vision. People were cheering her on.




Was all I could here from the crowd. I stood up wiping the blood from my mouth.

I held up my fists in defense. She came at me, I dodged her left fist just to be caught in the jaw with her right.

My head jerked to the side without me being able to stop it, I tried to keep a straight face but tears were stinging in my eyes.

Before I knew it her fist connected with my nose, I fell to the floor. I could feel the blood dripping from my face.

"HEY STOP THATS ENOUGH" I hear a familiar voice yell its Octavia. It's the last thing I hear before everything goes dark.


My One True Love: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now