Like you (Tiso x Fem! Firefly! Warrior! Reader)

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(Art above belongs to its respective creator) This was requested by Insucure-Kitten! Hope y'all enjoy!

Y/n swiftly leaped from ledge to ledge, paying no mind to the pools of acid below. The firefly gazed up at the cliffs she had yet to climb. It was just a little bit further...

"Y/n!" A voice called out to her.

Y/n let out an annoyed sigh and turned herself around, to see none other than Tiso. The bug that had been nothing but a nuisance and a thorn in her side. "Look Tiso. I really don't have time for this right now..."

"I demand a rematch, Y/n! You've claimed your victory over me countless times! But not this time! This time, I will defeat you!" Tiso shouted out with an overly confident expression.

Y/n rolled her eyes and draw her nail. "Alright. One more. Battle"

"Of course! It'll only take one more battle for me to prove how much stronger I am than you!" Tiso finished off his little speech with a cocky laugh.

Y/n cringed a bit. This guy was so cocky it was certainly going to be the death of him.

And thus, the battle commenced.

Y/n was the first to make a move. She dashed toward Tiso and swung her nail at him, which Tiso blocked with his shield. Y/n then jumped back, predicting Tiso's next attack, which was trowing his shield.

Tiso tossed his shield, which Y/n easily dodged, both on its way at her and it's way back to Tiso. Tiso caught his shield, his gaze not leaving the firefly before him. He then ran at her, holding his shield in front of him.

Y/n blocked each attack, the sound of metal clashing with metal sounded through the area everytime the nail came in contact with the shield.

The battle was long and merciless, though, Tiso never managed to land a single hit on Y/n. It ended with Tiso on the ground, his shield clattering to his side, while Y/n stood over him, pointing her nail directly at his throat.

Tiso looked up at her, breathing heavily as beads of sweat were forming on his forehead.

Y/n on the other hand, didn't seem at all tired. It was as if the heat of battle had no affect on her whatsoever! Y/n brought her nail away from Tiso's throat and slipped it back into its sheath.
"Looks like we're done here" The firefly turned on her heel started to walk away from the scene.

"Wait!" Tiso jumped to his feet and dashed after Y/n, not bothering to pick up his shield. "Just one more battle!"

Y/n turned her head to Tiso, her eyes narrowing. "No"

Tiso stopped, his eyes widening with surprise.

"Tiso, listen. These battles...are becoming...rather underwhelming. They're predictable, flavorless, boring. I can no longer afford to waste my time like this."

"Wait, but-"

"Goodbye, Tiso"

And with that, Y/n left the area, leaving Tiso behind and letting him linger in his own thoughts.


Three rapid knocks banged on the door.
"Tiso! Are you there?" Y/n yelled, a hint of concern in her voice.

It had been nearly a week since she had last seen Tiso and she was beginning to grow worried. She had heard from Quirrel that Tiso hadn't left his home in quite some time either.

Y/n knocked again, desperately wanting a response from the male bug. She flinched upon hearing a weak "Come in..." from inside. Y/n opened the door a bit before slipping inside. The house wasn't very big, but it was by no means small. She spotted Tiso laying on the floor carelessly, his shield right beside him.

"Oh. It's just you" Tiso said bitterly before turning onto his side. "What do you want"

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright..."

Tiso let out a sigh. "Why does it matter? I'm not good for anything anyways..."

Y/n was taken back by this. This wasn't the Tiso she knew at all. She took a seat on the floor next to the male bug, simply saying nothing as she did so.

The duo sat in silence for a while before Y/n spoke up.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Tiso let out a sigh and sat up, a conflicted expression on his face. "...I couldn't beat you...I'm just a waste of time...I've spent my entire life trying to be the strongest I could ever be...and even after all this time, I can't defeat you...I'll never be good enough..." Tiso pulled his knees to his chest and looked up at her with insecurity. "Why am I even telling you all of this...?"

"Maybe because you trust me? I mean, we've been rivals since the beginning and...despite everything I said, I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't met you..." Y/n trailed off toward the end, fidgeting slightly.

" don't mean that..." Tiso scoffed, turning his head away from the firefly.

"But, I do. You've been by my side since the beginning, seeing how passionate and confident you were almost pushed me to be better! I wouldn't be me if it weren't for you!" Y/n pulled Tiso into a hug, a slight blush on her cheeks. "Tiso, I'm so sorry what I said made you feel...insignificant. I was just...not quite in it at the moment, you know? I know that's no excuse...but I hope you can forgive me..."

Tiso was stiff. And silent.

Y/n pulled away to see Tiso completely red-faced. She held back a laugh, but ultimately failed to do so.

Tiso turned away, his face still flushed. "Of course I forgive you, you idiot...I can't stay mad at you, even if I want to...after all, I...view you the same way..."

Y/n's antenna perked up a bit.

"You've inspired me since the day I met you...I always strived to be be more like you"

"M-more like me?" Y/n stuttered out, a bit of pink coming across her cheeks.

"Yeah...You've always seemed thoughtful about every move! It's...everything I've wanted to be and more...!"

The two sat in silence for a bit, neither of them daring to look at eachother.

"Y/n, I think I..." Tiso's cheeks flushed again as he trailed off.

"Yeah...I think too" Y/n replied, bashfully.

They took eachother's hand in their own and gazed at eachother with sweet, yet nervous expressions.

"Sh-should we...? I-I mean can I-" Tiso was cut off by a pair of lips meeting his own. He grew tense, his face growing hot. But, he quickly relaxed, melting into the kiss as his hands hesitantly slipped around the firefly's waist.

Y/n's antenna tilted back shyly as her arms found their way around Tiso's neck.

The kiss wasn't heated, nor was it very long, but it was filled with such sweet passion and love.

Both bugs pulled away, not saying a single word to eachother.

Y/n cleared her throat and stood up, staring down at her feet. "Perhaps I should...go...I don't want to take up too much of your time..."

"No, wait!" Tiso stood up, taking Y/n's hands in his once more. "Can you stay...?"

This ended up being a little shorter than my other oneshots, but the end is packed with fluff! I hope y'all liked it X3

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