River of Memories (Broken vessel/Lost kin x Fem! Moth! Reader)

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(Art above belongs to its respective creator) This was requested by YusefClark! I gave it my best shot qwq This also turned into angst again soooo...Enjoy!

Note: Y'all are already dating :3

A moth sat at the edge of the howling cliffs, staring out into the seemingly endless emptiness.

A vessel sat at her side silently, both of their hands intertwined.

They knew exactly what was to become of both of them.

Bugs all over Hallownest were beginning to lose themselves to that wretched infection. Left to wander around nearly lifeless, in a body that was no long their's.

And it would happen to them too.

The dull orange glow that was beginning to form in the vessel's eyes only proved it.

His partner vowed to stay at his side. No matter how much he begged her to go, to leave Hallownest and save herself...she vowed to stay at his side until the very end. Even if it meant she lost herself too.

The two just sat in silence, treading in their river of memories.

A young moth sat all by her lonesome in the resting grounds. Seer was the only one she could rely on as of now, as nearly all moths in Hallownest had seemed to disappear. She let her feet dip into the water a bit as she looked down at her reflection. Suddenly, there was another reflection beside hers.

The young moth looked up to see a bug like no other she had ever seen. No words were exchanged between them as the strange bug looked out upon the moonlit water, watching as light glistened on the surface.

"It's quite beautiful isn't it?" The young moth asked, breaking the silence.

The bug nodded silently and hesitantly took a seat beside the moth, their gaze not leaving the water.

"My name is Y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you"

The bug simply responded with another nod.

Y/n looked down at her reflection in the water, staring at it for a moment, before turning back to the strange bug.

"What's your name?"

The female moth let out a tired chuckle and sighed. "You remember that day, don't you? The day our paths crossed?"

Her partner responded with a gentle nod and held her hand a bit tighter.

"What about that day you gave me a taste of what the world was like outside of the resting grounds? Surely you must remember that"

The young moth stared in complete awe. Her bright eyes seemed to light up with fascination. She was finally seeing the crossroads with her very own eyes.

Her companion didn't seem to understand her excitment. After all, he came through here on a daily basis, but he was still happy to see Y/n happy. If he had the ability to smile, he definitely would have.

"You really get to come through here every single day?" Y/n asked, still taking her time to look around the unfamiliar environment.

Her companion nodded and pulled out a worn out piece of paper. Upon further inspection, Y/n could conclude that it was a map. A map of Hallownest to be exact. "Wow...is that really all of Hallownest?"

The vessel nodded once more and began to gaze down at the map intently. He seemed to be very focused on something.

"Woah...it's so much bigger than I imagined it would be...do you think we'll get to see all of it some day?" The young moth inquired, her eyes full of curiosity as she studied the map.

The vessel gave her another gentle nod.

Y/n smiled brightly and looked down at the map once again, but this time, with joy filling her heart. Traveling across Hallownest with her favorite bug was far more than she could ask for.

The moth let out a weary chuckle, tears beginning to form in her eyes as she stared off into the distant darkness. She took a glance over at the vessel that sat beside her, seeing his empty stare meet her's.

The vessel rested his shell against Y/n's side gently. His body was noticeably twitching every minute or two, the bright orange being more visible in his hollow eyes.

Y/n held the vessel close to her, not wanting to waste a single second without her beloved bug. Time is a fragile thing and the seconds were beginning to tick by faster than she would have liked them to.


A young moth darted through the underbrush of Greenpath, stumbling a bit as she got herself caught in some of the foliage. Depsite it, she continued to flee, running like she had never run before. Her breaths were beginning to become heavy as she panted, nearly tripping over a vine or two as she did so.
'Just keep going' she told herself repeatedly. 'Don't let it catch you. Whatever you do, do not let it catch you!'
Y/n stopped for just a moment and glanced around, finding nothing familiar. She was only getting herself hopelessly lost. The moth gasped at the sound of rustling behind her and was horrified to see the infected husk slowly creeping up behind her. She stumbled backward, trying to put some distance between the husk and herself. She couldn't help but stare at the pair of bright orange eyes that stood out from its surroundings. Y/n had seen too many bugs succumb to that wretched infection...and now she could only accept that she would meet the same fate...

A blur of grey and white flashed through her vision and the next thing she knew, her vessel companion was standing over the husk's corpse. He turned back to her, dropping his nail and rushing over to make sure Y/n was alright.

Y/n remained silent as her partner thoroughly checked her for wounds, not moving a single inch.

After finding no signs of injuries, the vessel wrapped his arms around the moth, his body trembling, fearful for his partner, as she had no way to protect herself.

Y/n's antennae lifted up in response to this. "H-hey, it's alright. I'm okay!" She assured, wrapping her arms around the vessel carefully.

The vessel looked up at her, black tears running down from his empty eyes.

Y/n took his face in her hands and rested her forehead on his, letting her eyes close. "I'm okay. I promise"

Y/n stayed silent as she turned her tired gaze away from her partner for a moment. Her attention was quickly brought back to the vessel as his body began to tremble, his form hunching forward slightly. The moth's antennae drooped down as a small smile came across her features and tears began to spill from her eyes.

"This is it, isn't it?"

Her words were answered by silence, followed by a pair of orange eyes gazing up at her.

With what little control the vessel had left, he wrapped his shaking arms around the moth tightly. He buried his face into Y/n's shoulder and clung to her, the orange glow in his eyes not being dimmed even slightly. Orange liquid began to ooze from his once empty eyes, dripping down his shell slowly.

Y/n didn't hesitate to embrace the vessel, more tears spilling from her eyes as she did so. She held him close to her body. This was it. The end. Her beloved vessel would never be the same again...it was as if a weight had been suddenly dropped on the moth. Everything she had ever known had fallen apart before her eyes. Y/n took a shakey breath before speaking three words. The only words she could muster in her moment of overwhelming sorrow and grief.

"I love you"


It's been forever since I had inspiration to write anything. I hope y'all liked it. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more oneshots out soon. I'll open up requests again once I can get some of these requests done-

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