Jail Break (Quirrel X Fem! Royal! Reader)

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(Art above belongs to its respective creator) This was requested by DelunaFazfox! Reader will be female in this one. Enjoy!

F/c = favorite color

Quirrel trekked down the beaten path, admiring the lush greenery and colorful flowers that were blossoming at each side. He had never been to this kingdom before, so he wasn't sure what to expect, however, there didn't appear to be any danger.

"Halt!" A voice called out, making Quirrel jump a bit. A butterfly rolled out of the greenery, equipped with a nail and shield. They had dark skin, shiny silver armor, indigo wings and deep blue eyes. "State your name and business, trespasser!"

"Trespasser? I think there's been a misunderstanding, my friend. I'm simply passing through-" Quirrel was cut off when the butterfly spoke again.

"Why would you be "simply passing through" with a nail at your side?! Seems awfully suspicious!" The butterfly drew his nail and pointed it at Quirrel with a glare. "Defeat me in battle and then I will let you go!"

"There's really no need to fight" Quirrel spoke nervously, trying to assure the butterfly that he had no bad intentions. "I'm only- woah!" Quirrel narrowly dodged the nail that had been thrusted at his torso. He jumped back and drew his nail. He was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but this bug left him no choice.
Quirrel slashed his nail at the butterfly, knocking him back.

The butterfly then charged at Quirrel and swung his nail at him, only for Quirrel to block it with his own nail and knock him back again. The butterfly's nail and shield fell out of his hands as he hit the ground. "Why can't I hit you?!" He growled angrily. Just as he was about to stand back up, another voice rang through the area.

"Aabinus! Where are you? Father wishes to speak with you!" A soft voice called out.

Another butterfly stepped out of the undergrowth with two armored bugs at her sides. She had beautiful f/c wings and bright f/c eyes to match. She wore a clean, white dress with f/c accents and designs.

The two armored bugs at her sides rushed over to help the butterfly that was currently on the ground.

"Prince Aabinus, are you alright?" One of them asked.

'Prince??' Quirrel thought to himself as he panicked a bit. This situation wasn't looking very good for him.

"Yes, I'm alright" The butterfly, now known as Aabinus replied, dusting himself off. "But, this bug attacked me!" He pointed at Quirrel with a glare.

"Aabinus, I'm sure he didn't-" The female butterfly started speaking, but was cut off by her brother.

"No, he did, Y/n! I was just minding my own business, when he jumped out and attacked me!"

"Wh-what?! That's not what-" Suddenly, Quirrel's arms were being held behind his back. He looked over his shoulder and saw one of the armored bugs, who he could only assume were guards, restraining him.

"Save it for the king"


"Save it for the king, bucko" Aabinus repeated with a snarky tone, a smirk on his face.


Quirrel's legs shook as he was lead down the hallway, his arms still held behind his back. He was visibly sweating, fearing what would become of him after this.

Aabinus and Y/n had been sent back to the castle while the guards escorted Quirrel to the king.

Two huge, white doors were opened, revealing the king himself, sitting in his throne, while Aabinus and Y/n stood at his sides.

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