College Dance

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Leo's POV

Showtime. We entered the venue and guess what more pictures. 

I could tell that she was just as stiff as i was and the awkward silence was revolting. Thankfully she broke the ice saying, "Looks like i've got the best date... everyone's staring"

"I disagree," I said, "I think its the other way around... I've got the prettiest girl by my side" real smooth. 

She blushed at it which made it even more awkward. Where are those dumb jocks when you need them to create a diversion.

"Wattup Leo, scored a hot date I see..." speak of the devil. Well atleast it would be less awkward now that the whole motley crew was here. 

"Hey guys..." I said.

"Pay up Danny" said Chuck.

"Alright.." saying this he handed him a 50. 

"Did you guys bet on something?" I asked.

"yup, we bet on you showing up today" Danny said, thus proving that none of them had a life. 

"Alright guys slowing it down a bit.." yelled the dj. Hell no! I thought. Me and slow dance with a girl? No way in hell. 

"Hey i love this song" said Dakota.

That was my cue to ask her to dance, "did you wanna dance?" 

"Wouldn't mind..." she said blushing slightly.

"Cool... but i must warn you i'm a terrible dancer.." I warned.

"Just follow my lead and you'll be fine besides, nobody's watching," she assured.

"So, about those paintings" she said breaking the silence as we danced,"could you ask Leanne not to worry about them.." 

"Impossible.. she won't breathe till she has seen the end of it, I know how she is," I informed.

"Are you two close?" she asked curiously.

"super.. she's an idiot, but i love her," I said, smiling at the thought of my little sister.

"I wish I could be that close with my elder brother," she said wistfully.

"Wait.. the dude from the album.. that's your brother?" I enquired. 

"Yeah mom and dad had him when they were in high school.." she said.

I twirled her around a bit, making her giggle sweetly. 

The night went on and surprisingly enough, I was having fun, goofing around with Dakota. Guess I had to thank Leanne for doing something right for once. 

As the night came to an end, I led her to the car and opened the door for her.

I decided to break the silence in the car. 

"Hey Dakota... you said that you weren't close with your brother... how come?" 

"Oh... I don't know... Michael's just... a bit closed off... from everyone actually its not just me... It wasn't like that when I was a kid though... I remember him playing with me all the time... then suddenly, he barely talked to anyone at home.." she said.

Sensing a shift in her mood I decided to leave the topic.

"Well its his loss I guess, he's missing out on knowing such an incredible woman" I said, looking at her.

Dakota looked at me with a smile that reached her eyes. That's when I knew that I'd done something right.

On reaching her house, I opened the car door for her and walked her up to her door. 

"I had fun tonight... Leo" she whispered, standing really close to me.

There it was, the cliche romantic moment that all those chick flicks with Leanne had prepared me for. 

I leaned in slowly, waiting for her to do the same. My heart started drum-rolling when she closed her eyes, leaning forward.

I decided to just take the leap, and closed the gap between our lips. The kiss was slow and sweet, and I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her close. She moaned, ever so softly, letting her hands, venture in my hair.

A clearing of throat made us split apart. We looked at the door to realise that her mom had opoened the door, and we hadn't even noticed.

Blushing profusely she said "bye" to me, getting inside the house hastily.

As their door closed, I walked towards the car with a dopey smile.

Guess going to this dance wasn't so bad after all.

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