The attic

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It was her. The girl from the paintings. It was scary, what had happened that night. But somehow i really felt for that girl. Maybe she meant no harm to any of us. "revenge" she had said. Maybe she wanted to be avenged. These are the times that i wish i was a grown up for they have more power. This i had not said to Leo yet. While i was occupied in my thoughts mom called out, "Leanne, Leo.. I hope you remember your promise.."
Oh yes how could I have forgotten, it was the day to clean the house. Both of us came down with an irritated look.

I got started with my room, as Leo cleaned up his. By the time we were done with our rooms we came out to the corridor. I dusted cobwebs from the wooden ceilings while Leo cleaned the floor after me. While cleaning i felt a kink in the otherwise flat surface of the ceiling. I looked properly to find hinges. I was positive that it was the way to the attic. there was a rope attached to the ceiling close to the hinges whose other end was inserted in a sort of pocket on the wall. "Hey Leo i think i find something help me get it down..." I pulled the rope while Leo held the thick wooden flap as it opened and unfolded the wooden stairs attached to it. "wow.. looks like we've found the attic..." i said. "Could you please stop finding creepy rooms in this house...." Leo grimaced.
"I can't help it.. they find me." and God knew that 'they' did not just mean the rooms. I climbed into the attic followed by Leo. The place wasn't covered in whites unlike the basement, and unlike the basement it wasn't creepy. To me atleast for now my creep-out bar was set pretty high. It was although, too much suffocating in there due to lack of ventilation. Naturally it was pretty dark, "hey Leo could you get a torch from mom?" i asked groping about in the darkness, "No need.. here i found one" he said handing me an old torch. "I don't know Leo it looks old and it must be out of juice" but apparently it wasn't, it lit perfectly. I did not bother to word out the weirdness of it, instead i reached out for an old rusty trunk that the light had exposed. "Leo could you hold this?" i handed the torch to him and opened the trunk.

There were toys, an album and an old diary. I closed the trunk saving its investigation for later and looked around for anything else interesting enough. There wasn't anything else other than an old night lamp, and a torn and tattered couch.

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