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A new place. A whole new scene. Even though it meant leaving behind a life to start a new one. I knew it wouldn't do any good to cry about it. Come to think of it, I didn't really have anything tying me to this place. It was probably just the familiarity of it that I was gonna miss.

My family had always been very close-knit. So when my brother got into a college, far from home, dad applied for a transfer, close to his college. So there we were, moving to an entirely new place. It was hard, leaving my old life behind. But, it didn't need much effort to get over it once we thought about the bright side of it. Change is good...sometimes.

There were just two things that I liked about flying, the take off and the landing. Other than that it was just 2 hours of annoying stillness. Thank god for the window seat and the Sidney Sheldon book I had, otherwise I would have totally killed someone, for putting me through this level of boredom. When we landed, I was possibly the happiest person on the plane. Although, the happiness did not last long, because soon after getting off the flight we had to stand in line to get our bags. Another ten minutes of annoyance and to top all of that the jet-lag. It just couldn't get any worse.

But, as we all know when we think things can't get any worse, they get worse...

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