Plan? (Part III)

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Shit.. We were tricked!!

"Ashton, I-"

Ashton gets up and punches Rolando across the face, "How could you do that to Dom?"

Ashton's P.O.V.

Rolando just stared back up at me from the floor with teary eyes holding his jaw.

"I didn't want to believe it was you.. I wanted to be wrong Rolando.. But you fell into every trap I set. I tested you over and over hoping it was only a coincidence but you failed every time! You eavesdropped on Yvonne and I but tried to cover it up by spreading it through out the pack. The thing is I knew you were listening and Rolando you practically snitched on yourself when you mentioned a secret wedding.. You wanted to plan all the wedding details and the saddest part of this all is that Esther doesn't even know you are a traitor.. You followed Yvonne and her to go dress shopping to listen to their conversations because Yvonne tells Esther everything.. The thing is Yvonne didn't even know the plan."

"Ashton, I am sorry that I had to do this.. This was the only way. Alpha Jack and his pack have you surrounded."

"I know. At least tell me why you have done this?"

Rolando stand up and dusts his pants off. "Ashton, we were a invisible pack.. We were doing so well until Yvonne shows up. Dominick just became weak and so did our pack. He was making decision solely around her. Not for us! Not for our pack! For her! He could not handle being an Alpha and a mate. He was changing.. I had to get rid of her. I did everything so it wouldn't have to come to this. I just wanted Dominick to let her go.. I thought Alpha Jack would mate with her but then Dominick marked her.. So she escaped and I had to do this. I never intended for him to die.. It just happened that way. Then I thought I could use you to get the pack back on track.. But she had you wrapped around her finger too. You were doing the same thing as him Ashton! I had to do something! So just let Alpha Jack have her, sign that treaty, and we can act as if this never happened. We will get our pack members back, our allies, and move forward to be the pack we once were."

"Rolando, I will never forget this betrayal and neither will you."

"Ashton, I have no regrets."

"That is good to hear considering I won't have to feel any remorse as you either rot in the dungeon or given the death sentence."

"Ashton, you are surrounded." Rolando chuckles and shrugs.

"Actually Rolando you have the building surrounded, yes. But my men and allies have you all surrounded."

Jack's P.O.V.

I run back to the front and crack the door open just a smidge to see all of my men getting taken over. I am too late!!  I need to escape! Luckily my scent is masked, I just need to use their scent to get out of here.

One of Ashton's Pack members walk in I hide around the corner and bash him in the head with a heavy vase that was set on the table. He falls to the ground I catch him mid way to not alert anyone with the loud thud.

I grab is jacket and shove him in the corner. Hopefully this will let me slip by if I put the hood up and attempt to cover my face.

I walk out the side door and see an area that is clear I start speed walking until I guy yells in my directions, "Hey! Where do you think you are going? We have to check the other side of the perimeter.."

"I keep my back toward him, "Uh.. yeah I know. But Alpha Ashton told me to do another sweep because he thought Alpha Jack was suppose to be here also."

"Turn around."


"Turn around. I don't recognize your voice.. "

I am officially caught...

"Hey man, guess who betrayed us?" I hear a different voice talking to the other guy.


"Rolando.. Alpha Ashton is bringing him out of the building now. Come on! I wanna see this dirt bags face as he looks us in the eyes and admits how he betrayed us!"

"You coming Anthony?" I hear him yell out to me..

"You know him?" I hear the first guy question.

"Oh yeah.. He's new. He just became a fighter a week ago. Go easy on him he is only 18! Jeez man.."

"Oh. My bad Anthony. I just didn't recognize your voice. I will let you do your sweep of the perimeter."

I nod, "Thanks. I will see you guys over there when I am finished."

I listen to hear their footsteps get further away until I run for it. That was a close one.

Now I need to find my Luna. I take out my phone and send Yvonne a text message she can't ignore.

Yvonne, meet me at the pack house I have a surprise for you.  -Jack 5:07pm


Fine, ignore me if you want. I guess you will never really know if Dominick is alive or not. -Jack 5:18pm



When? -Yvonne 5:19pm

Now. -Jack 5:19pm

Is he alive Jack? How do I know this isn't just a trick to lure me over there? -Yvonne 5:20pm

I guess that is just a risk you will have to take. -Jack 5:20pm

Don't even think about alerting anyone either.. If you do then I will have to kill your dear best friend Esther..  -Jack 5:21pm

I will find a way to get away and be there in 15mins. -Yvonne 5:21pm

Good see you then.  -Jack 5:22pm



Yikes! SO much has happened in this little chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I will be posting the next chapter soon! Sorry this one was short I just wanted to end it there..

Anyway, Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!


My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang