"Well I didnt so I'm fine, and I just need to go back. I broke something and I need to fix it." She snapped before just dislocating her thumb and sliding out of the cuff and slamming her thumb against the small bedside table to snap it back into place with a grunt. "Go tell the nurse to bring me my clothes." She ordered as she tested out her thumb.

John just stood there unable to comprehend how someone could change so much in a single night. The woman that stood before him was completely different than the woman he had met yesterday. "I will." He muttered and left not wanting to anger her further. There was no telling what she was capable of, and after what he say he do with the cuff it was clear she had no boundaries on what she would and wouldn't do to get back to the ocean.

He left the room shaking his and went over to main desk. "Could I get Miss. Hoine's clothes please?" He questioned. The nurse gave him a weird look before rolling back in her chair and the woman hauled out a large box filled with what was easily identifiable as viking armor, in some of the best condition he had ever seen throughout his career. She stared at the items before him ghosting his hand over the leather work. Not wanting to keep her waiting for fear if Rán getting impatient, he slid the heavy box into his arms and carried to her room in a daze as he studied every inch of it before it was ripped from his hands.

Rán quickly ripped off the hospital gown and started to pull on her pants and tunic before getting in the routine of putting on her armor. It was a little damp, but it didn't matter she was going to end up back in the water anyway.

John was at a loss for words as he saw her body was covered in scars that would normally belong to someone in the military, with the body type to match. Yesterday she could barely carry some of the equipment boxes, now it looked as if she could carry them all in one trip. She didnt even know the clothes the viking remains wore, but here she was putting them on as if she had worn them since she was a child.

When she was done Rán looked over to the shocked look on the old man's face only to roll her eyes. "Give me your phone." She snapped and he quickly unlocked and handed it to her.

Rán ordered an Uber back to the beach with only a little bit of difficulty before looking up at the man she used to work with. "Your book, about vikings." She spoke suddenly as she looked up from the phone and tossed it back.

"Yes what about it?" He replied dumbly as he nearly dropped the phone before clutching it to his chest.

"Ivar the Boneless really was a cripple." She corrected before shoving past him and walking down the hall.

John choked on his words as he stared at her as she walked past.

This time she took the stairs and quickly made her way to the exit. As soon as she stepped outside she was bombarded with a wave of sounds she hadn't even thought about in ages. Cars and their various honking and dinging noises. Loud sirens even construction. It was so overwhelming she had to cover her ears over the shear volume off it all.

As soon as she saw the car she ordered she threw open the door and quickly jumped in and let out a sigh of relief. "You want music?" The driver questioned as soon as she entered.

"No, I prefer the silence." She replied as she tried to steady her breathing.

The man nodded and pulled out before speeding along the highway. "Odd day for a day at the beach." He spoke as he eyed her strange clothes wondering why she would go on a cloudy day dressed in a costume.

"Just drive." She snapped.

The man glared at her and when they arrived barely gave her the chance to get out before speeding off. "Bastard." She hissed before sprinting down to the beach and along the coast until she reached the spot she had walked to supposedly last night. This time she noticed a few strange rocks hidden by a bit of foliage. She walked over and brushed them off seeing runes carved into stone. "Got ya." She grinned and sprinted into the water and started swimming and diving under hoping to feel the same pull as before. Yet there was nothing. Not even the ocean's natural current was strong enough to push her under.

It got to the point that she was nearly drowning herself as she tried to stay beneath the water, but there was still nothings. She stood up let out a yell of frustration. She walked around in the water screaming and crying as she swatted the water around and slamming her fists as she cursed Skuld until her voice gave out and she was nearly out of energy. All her anger had faded away leaving nothing as she crawled onto the beach and laid on her back. She laid on the sand unable to feel anything.

"You done with your tantrum?"

Rán bolted up from where she was sitting and turned around as a woman stood behind her. She got to her feet as she stared into a pair of bright blue eyes lined in black. Blonde hair chopped short to her shoulders as she grinned casually while dressed in a tailored maroon suit. "Skuld?" Rán asked cautiously as she tried to keep her temper in check knowing it would be really bad she accidentally hit an innocent woman out of the blue.

"Who the fuck else could it be?" She laughed.

"Who the fuck else could it be?" She laughed

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