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Beeping. Over and over again to the point of nearly going insane. Where was it coming from? What could even make that sound?

Rán slowly came to as she glanced around her hospital room. "No" she sat up quick and ripped the IV from her arm with a grunt before tossing it aside. She threw back the covers and slid from the bed with a wobble before throwing open the door and stalking down the hall.
"Miss! Wait come back we need-" Rán let out a yell as she gripped the man and shoved him out of her way. She needed to get back! "Call security!" The man groaned from the floor as he struggled to get up. Rán had one thing on her mind as she continued to the elevator on a war path.

If she could handle battle she could handle a single security guard. She had been in four different battle, tortured, and stabbed. This guard would be child's play. As she rounded the corner and banged her fist on the button anxiously waiting for the doors to open. As soon as the metal doors dinged open a large man who looked like her could be Dunar's various greats grandson walked out of the elevator in a black such ritual uniform. He was surprised how small she was.

Rán didn't hesitate for a second as she advanced with a yell only to drop to the ground twitching violently as he pulled a taser gun from his belt tasered her. "What did you give her?" He questioned as the Doctor rushed up behind the violently twitching woman on the ground.

"Nothing she woke up like that. She was found on the beach unconscious, locals say she went out for a swim and got pulled out. She is lucky to be alive, most would have drowned under the circumstances." He explained as the two hauled her up and brought her back to the bed and cuffed her to the railing. The two men gave a shared look of surprise of the strength the woman had before turning for the door.

"Excuse me Im looking for a Rán Hoine?" A male voice asked at the desk.

The doctor walked out adjusting his clothes "You are?" He asked as he looked the older gentleman up and down.

"Im John Haywood, Im a researcher and Miss Hoine was part of my research team. When she didn't show up this morning, and after the story I heard from locals while I was at lunch, I came here since this is the closest hospital to her rented house.

The security guard handed the key to the doctor and returned to his post as the doctor handed John, Ráns discharge papers. "She is a bit aggravated at the moment, but she is free to leave when she calms down. If she cant I'll have to transfer her over to the police." He walked off rubbing his now bruised shoulder as John cautiously went into the room to see Rán tugging at the metal cuff violently. "Rán?" He asked unsure if she would attack him.

The woman froze and turned unable to comprehend the man that stood before her. "John? What are you doing here?" Why would he still be in Kattegat? She had been gone for over a couple years, most research projects last not even half the time she was away. He also looked as if he hadn't aged a day, good for him but he should have been around 70 since he was in his 50s when she left.

"You didnt come to work this morning, and the locals haven't stopped talking about a woman who nearly drowned last night during the lunar eclipse." Reasoned as he gave her a look of concern.

Rán's constant tugging on the handcuff slowly came to a stop as she realized what he had just said. "Last night?" She repeated before urgently tugging at the hospital gown to see her her shoulder. She was almost ready to start having a break break down before looking at her shoulder and still seeing the 'W' burned into her skin. "So it wasnt a dream." She muttered taking a deep breath to relax herself. "You need to get me out of here, I have to go back." Rán spoke quickly before giving the cuff another rough tug only to come up with the same disappointing results.

"You want to go back into the ocean? You  nearly drowned and you want to go back in? What for? What could possibly be so important and time sensitive that would have you attack a doctor and the security guard?" John yells out at the madness the woman was speaking.

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