Regret Lives Up To His Name

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"Wait a minute. How are we going to do this? We need a plan!" Reality was skeptical.

"Well, we are going to find Fantasy and save her!" Hope answered happily. She was in a good mood now that she was out of Dark's wrath.

"Hope, I get Reality's point. How do we find Fantasy? Reality is easy to find, but Fantasy is dying. And still, how do we save her?"

"With other Emotions, of course!" Hope replied.

"Okay," Reality said, thinking. "So we find Fantasy, bring her to the Emotions, and save her and save the world?"

"Yep!" Hope answered.

Reality nodded her head, approving of the vague plan. There had been no adventure in Reality's life in a long, long, time. "Yeah. Let's do it."

* * *

After three hours of discussing the plan, Reality, Light, and Hope set off. They had decided to go to the other Emotions for help to see if they knew where Fantasy was. Unlike this world, where everything is pretty much connected, the world of ideas is different. It is possible to go around to other places, but you really have to know where you are going. For example, Light found Reality because Hope told her where to look. This is why humans know so little about mental actions.

"So, Hope, you lead the way!" Light told Hope. Hope knew where to find the Emotions, obviously.

Hope brought them through memory forests and rivers. They finally arrived by a really, really, really, big bubble. Inside were many little square houses, which would have all been identical, except for decorations that varied for each house. Above the doors was the name of the Emotion living inside of it.

"This is Emauji. Imagine a slice of pizza and step in," Hope told Reality and Light.

"Pizza? I thought it was chocolate cake!" Light exclaimed.

"It changes often," Hope said knowledgeably and walked in, followed by Light, and then a cautious Reality.

Once they were inside, they headed for the first house they saw, which was Regret's. Hope knocked on the door. A muffled who are you? Came from the door.

"Hope. And friends."

A man stumbled to the door and opened it. "What?" He sneered.

"We need to -"

Hope was interrupted. "Wait. You shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have let you in."

"Can you ju-"



"I shouldn't have made cookies."


"I shouldn't have painted the door red."

"But it's gree-"

"I know. I shouldn't have gotten these red-tinted paper glasses from the game Rat-A-Tat. Okay game."


"Wait. What are you here? Do you want to steal my red paint and my cookies?"

"Regret, no." Light stepped in. "We are just looking for Fantasy. Do you happen to know who would know where Fantasy is?" She said gently.

"You could ask Curiosity." Regret answered. And with that he shut the door.

(A/N) Hmmm... I don't know if I like pizza or chocolate cake better. It's a hard decision.


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