Caught Up in Flames

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Dean, 1182

I looked up at those castle walls apprehension and increasing excitement. Zante knew we were there, but it wouldn't matter. They were hiding behind these precious walls, convinced they would save them. It wouldn't work. Renn and I had made sure of it. My gaze roamed over my army. It was filled with Dobridland soldiers, peppered with the Naga's trained soldiers, and reinforced with the citizens that had joined the rebellion. We were strong, we were numerous, and we had the upper hand. I was on a magnificent horse, a massively tall mare; her beautiful, black mane contrasted with her buckskin coloring. She was gorgeous. I had no idea where the rebels had found her, but she must have been some noble's steed.

I ended my perusal of the army with a final glance at Renn. As always, she stood by my side, on her own glorious stallion. She looked like a warrior of death, her bleached hair secured in tight twin braids, her face painted in vivid red and blue, and covered head to toe in plain black leather armor. She preferred the leather armor, as it didn't weigh her down. Her advantage was speed. If she got in an opening, she could kill you with a single touch. I feared her as much as I admired her, as I always have. She met my gaze with a stone cold glare; her warrior was showing. I smiled in return.

We were in the middle of the infantry, several rows behind the section of archers.

"Ready your bows!" I shouted.

Generals continued the order on down the line until the entire archer squad had their bows at attention, waiting for my next order.


The flurry of movement following my command was beautiful, like a thousand birds fluttering their wings. The archers had each placed an arrow in position. I smiled once more. These men had been briefed beforehand; they knew how essential they were, knew exactly where to aim.

"Aim!" I screamed, loud enough that the generals didn't need to relay my message.

They did anyway, just to be sure, and following the cacophony of strings yelling in protest to being pulled taut, the archers directed their weapons towards where we'd placed our implosion bombs. I smiled again, the frenzy starting to overtake me as I imagined the shocked look on the Usurper's face when he realized he'd been duped.


The arrows leapt from the bows, all rocketing towards the bases of the castle walls! The sound of hundreds of bombs going off filled the air, creating a massive cloud of smoke that covered the entire area with a choking wave of dust.

Several minutes later, it began to clear, the aftermath evident.

The walls were no more.

The dust from the rubble, a heavy smog of brick particles, cleared to reveal the Usurper's defense. There were a few rows of soldiers sporting swords and spears, equipped with large, heavy wooden shields. Behind them were a group of what must be his Suryan Mages.

A stale silence filled the air, as each army sizes up the other. The Usurper's forces were drastically smaller, but they still had an advantage. The walls weren't entirely down, so our entrance points were still choked down to the traversable segments. There were so many of us, it would some time for us to get through. I grimaced, unsure of what the best move would be.

I exchanged a glance with Renn. She nodded, eager.

"Charge!" I screamed.

Our forces careened forward, ready to fight for their cause. Bodies lurched ahead, spears at the ready, shields defending them. A few short minutes, and we were beginning to climb over the walls. Renn and I hung back, watching to see what the Mages and the soldiers would do.

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