Epilogue: Everlasting

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Larke, 1187

"The time has come to readdress the treaty," Dayne said regally, and everyone quieted down at his deep voice.

All attention turned to him as he spoke. It had been five years since he had taken control of the throne; the future of the Kingdom of the Ryne rested on how well this meeting went. Nya, now the Queen of Thiol, sat opposite of Dayne at the other end of the table. She was clad in warrior's armor, sleek leather to shield her yet keep her mobile, though it was decorated extensively with intricate designs and inlaid shiny metals into each piece. She looked a warrior queen, ready for battle, yet she sat relaxed in her chair. I hoped this meant she was eager to continue our wary peace. Seeing her was odd, yet pleasant, as our history was long and entangled. But now, she was more of an old friend than an old flame, and we held nothing against each other. She seemed happy, and I was glad for it. She deserved as much, especially given everything that we all had been through over the years.

It had been difficult since Dayne became King. We had a whole country to rebuild, almost thirty years of grievances to account for, and the creation of many new practices. I welcomed the change, though some didn't, as is expected with any government. Not every single person can be made happy, not when you must consider thousands of people. But, Dayne did his best, consistently holding court and addressing the concerns of the people. It helped that Pellia Raghas, the previous rebel leader and namesake for Dayne's late mother, was the voice of the common folk. She came to advise Dayne often, working hard to make sure that whatever new law we were implementing was truly beneficial to them. She was here at the table even now, representing the interests of the citizens as she always did.

Our army had recovered and then some, though the allies of Dobridland had sent home their forces. Dieter Kampstaff, King of Dobridland, still visited often as an ally, even though his army was no longer in our country as it had been before. Dieter's friendship with Dayne's late father, Oskar, extended on towards Dayne. We retained good relations with Dieter, and he offered his input on many foreign diplomacy matters. His experience, along with many others, helped Dayne become the King he was today. He had to lean on his advisors to rule, as he hadn't been raised to run a country like many other monarchs before him. His unfortunate childhood on the streets and then in the Naga gang hadn't prepared him well for the minute political nuances of ruling, though it had provided him with a unique perspective on the well-being of the country and the needs of the people.

Liss now ran our army, assuming a role very similar to his station when he served Zante Urion. He trained new recruits – willing volunteers – and turned them into competent soldiers. His task force was still young, as expected for a country that had only been reborn for five years, but the potential was very strong. Liss sat to my right, his fatherly presence soothing my nerves as he often did. Though he lived here in the palace, he had travelled to his home in the Telago islands to search for his family. By some miracle, he had found his wife and daughter, alive and well, and had brought them to the palace with him, and they've been living here with him ever since. I'd never seen him so happy. I initially had thought that when he had brought his family here, I would've been jealous. After all, this man was my father figure when I was growing up as a Suryan Mage, guiding my magic and my physical training until I'd become High Suryan Premiere. Then, he became a trusted friend and subordinate. But, when he showed up on the palace steps with his family, he was so obviously radiant and ecstatic about seeing them again that I could feel nothing but happiness for him. It didn't hurt that his wife and daughter were delightful people who loved to hear about all of Liss's adventures during his time at the palace. I was happy to oblige them and regale them with our stories.

Liss spared me a glance, his expression pleased and patient, easing my fears with his fatherly stare. He must feel quite relaxed, and that comforted me. Though this peace had been steady for us, it wouldn't be impossible that Nya would wage war, now that the allotted time period was over. She was an excellent strategist, just like her mother had been, and while I didn't see an advantage to being at war, it was still possible that Nya did. I wanted this peace to continue; the country was just beginning to flourish. I hoped that Liss's ease was indicative of what would happen at this meeting.

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