The Triumphant Return

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Larke, 1182

We entered the throne room, empty except for us. As we passed through the threshold, Nya waved her hand to a guard standing in the hall and whispered something in his ear. She was probably asking him to retrieve the King. It wasn't as if she could demand he see us; even though she was a princess and he her father, he was the King of both the Rynish and Thiolish kingdoms – not even she could force him to do anything he didn't wish.

Our steps echoed in the large expanse of the room, despite how quietly I tried to walk. The chandelier wasn't lit, but the light from the hallways illuminated enough that we could see into the darkness. The hairs on the back on my neck stood on end, both from the chilly temperature and the awkward situation I had found myself in. What was I going to do? Did I even have a choice?

It felt like eons ago when the King had summoned me to entrust me with this mission, though it was actually only months. I stood, trying to appear aloof and confident, though every single muscle in my body shook with adrenaline and fear. I stiffened my posture, my head deliberately faced forward, limbs stock straight with my hands clasped together behind my back in a professional pose, ready for the King to arrive.

A few minutes passed in this uncomfortable quiet, me standing alone, Spenser walking in small circles, taking in the scene of the throne room, whereas Nya had made herself comfortable on her throne. Where she was sitting, similar to the grand ballroom, was a grand stage, complete with a small set of stairs covered in an exquisite red and blue carpeting. The King's throne sat to the right of center, and was an imposing, high-backed steel chair covered in magnificently royal blue cushions. To my left of center, at the King's right hand, was the Queen's throne. Exactly the same in design, but instead clad in vivid crimson. The Queen's throne was just like her position in the Kingdom – equal to the King's.

Zante Urion had followed in the Rynish tradition that the King and Queen were joint rulers and must agree before they could legally declare anything. For the Rynish people, it was of the utmost importance that the two rulers were compatible and complementary, just as their gods were equal and opposite two halves of a whole.

This was to his advantage, as Queen Miraa was a military strategy genius, the daughter of the Rynish family's Grand General. If she didn't agree with Zante, it was probably in the Kingdom's best interest to follow her instinct. It was thanks to her that he even had the throne. Though he overthrew the Rynish royalty so that he could have her, she was the one who purposefully misinformed her father and his army about Zante's attack. Of course, he had assembled the Suryan Mages for the purpose of conquering the Kingdom so he could marry Miraa, but even those powerful mages wouldn't have succeeded without her inside help.

Nya's throne was shorter than the others and sat in line, on the King's left hand. Instead of a cold steel, hers was a shiny and brilliant brass, complete with an indented sun that sat just above her head, looking almost as if she wore a halo. Her cushions were reminiscent of the sun as well, with beautiful golden cloth covering the yellow metal. She was lounging in it now, comfortable in her extravagant chair, seated leisurely with her right elbow propped on the armrest, her hand supporting her chin as she waited for her father to arrive.

With a flair, he finally did arrive, the Queen at his side and followed by a handful of fledgling Suryan Mages, his royal Kingsguard. Typically, that was honor that was given to the highest Suryan Mages, but since both Liss and I were unavailable, I supposed the King would have to make do. I recognized them all, knew all of their names, and each of them gave me a slight head bow when they saw me. As they were on duty, I didn't expect them to give me the full greeting as usual. Etiquette is not as high a priority as the King's safety.

The King flashed by us, paying us no attention until he reached his throne next to Nya. Spenser quickly rushed to my side, eager to begin. He stood tall, glanced over at me, and mirrored my pose. I was still standing with my hands behind my back, tall, confident, and professional. The King sat in his throne, the Queen in hers, and the few young Kingsguard found their places on the dais behind each of them, adopting a pose similar to my own, as well.

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