"Why?" I asked warily.

"You're the only girl wearing a Stanford sweatshirt here. Every other girl is showing way more skin than you."

My face reddened at his comment, and I decided it was probably for the best that I just walk away.

"Who are you looking for?" He asked before I could get out of ear shot.

I turned back to face him, "What?"

He rolled his eyes playfully, "That's obviously why you're here. Who are you looking for?"

"Ashton Cromwell?"

I watched as realization dawned on his features, "I know where he is! He should be over by the karaoke machine in the living room! Man, that guy is a kick when he's drunk."

I'm sure my face looked as horrified as I felt, "Is he already drunk?"

"Out of his mind. What can you expect? He's been here over an hour. The guy usually gets hammered in the first twenty minutes."

My stomach sunk and I nodded. Still, I managed to give this guy a grateful smile. "Well, thank you for your help."

He returned the grin, "No problem! I'd walk you there but I'm bringing a few chicks some beers out back. But hey, maybe I'll see you around sometime! What's your name again?"

"I'm Sami, Sami Spark."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "The name sounds familiar. Anyways, I'm Adam. Adam Jones."

"Thanks Adam!" I told him again before we parted ways.

I had my information, now I had to find Ashton.

Making my way through the crowd was much trickier than I hoped. Everyone was already wild and jumping around, and me and my timid self weren't being aggressive enough to plow through effectively. Plus, I did not know my way around the house in the slightest. I was guessing blind over which direction to turn.

That's when I heard his voice in the distance, it was definitely coming from a speaker. His words were slurred and his grammar was appalling, and this seemed to revive a new determination in me. I began to instead hurry my way through the people, squeezing through the small gaps and following the sound of Ashton's voice.

Finally, I made it to what must be the living room, and I saw him.

Standing on top of what appeared to be waist high entertainment center, Ashton was talking into a microphone as he swayed back and forth. A friend was beside him, and they both had wild grins on their faces. I watched them for a moment, completely horrified and unable to move.

Drunk people freak me out.

They began to sing, I believe it was Free Falling, and I found myself surprised at the fact that drunk Ashton could actually sing in key. I wonder if he can sing sober...

I sprung in to action after I recovered from my initial shock of how drunk he was. But the time I made it to the front, Ashton and his comrade had jumped off the counter and everyone surrounded them. Everyone started chanting "shots shot shot shots!" and I knew I could not handle being here any longer. I shoved my way through the people just in time to see Ashton down a shot of tequila.

"Ashton Cromwell!" I startled even myself by yelling. It was mainly out of fear, but the sound still didn't sound like one that would come from me.

Ashton looked up and squinted at me, but then looked away back to the drinks. Not caring if I made a scene anymore, I made my way straight to him, linked my arm with his, and began to tug him away.

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