Chapter 30

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I stood my ground, though the fear swirling inside me made my body tremble and my temperature rise. He smiled at me wickedly and I could see the image begin to blur. I fixated, refusing to slip into an episode. I was the only one now; I had to protect them now.

Jedric drew closer, eyeing me closely and curiously. "You are a strange, sickly little Torian, aren't you?" he questioned, but I remained silent with my hand still pressed against the laser gun inside my jacket. It would be foolish to reveal it so hastily. Whatever I did next, would have to be well planned.

Suddenly, he grabbed my face harshly and turned it to the side. His finger scanned my ear, tapping the bud that allowed me to understand language. A grunt of realization escaped him as he roughly drew my face forward now, peering into my eyes intently before letting out a knowing laugh. He pushed me back harshly and I stumbled to the ground next to Xan. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, but he didn't stir at all. I wished desperately he would. I had never felt so alone.

"I can't believe I didn't see it sooner. You're not a Torian at all," Jedric continued.

I scowled at him as he drew closer and bent down to look at me dead on. "You're that rumored ancient one who escaped! Those fake silver lenses don't fool me."

He stood up straight and grinned to himself. "My master was pleased to hear of a living Torian exposed to X147, but now, an ancient one? This is better than I could have hoped for."

His gaze fell back to me with a menacing glint. "He will be very happy to get his hands on you," he rejoiced, approaching me again.

I hastily stood up and pulled Xan's gun from my jacket and held it towards Jedric with quivering hands, cursing myself for letting my fear be so obvious.

An evil smirk drew across his face like he was feeding off my anxiety.

"What do you think you're gonna do with that?" He snickered.

I tried to hold it still and stop the trembling but the combination of fright and adrenaline only made me shake more.

His eyes drew to the side, looking at a slumped over Xan, passed out on the floor.

"What a pack of fools you all are," he sneered, eyes drawing back to me.  "As if you could so easily traipse inside this establishment and I wouldn't see through you in an instant."

He drew closer to me and my hands continued to shake. I could feel the heat rising again, but I forced my mind to stay focused. I was the only one now; I had to protect them now.

He stepped closer now with a strange look in his eyes. "You don't have it in you, do you, you pitiful little human."

A hungry grin drew across his face as the fear swirled stronger inside me like a furious hurricane.  His image was beginning to blur, but still I fixated.

He leaned towards me and in my panic, I shot the laser passed him; a warning shot.

He merely laughed. "Do you think you can scare me?" He taunted, a disturbing fury now showing in his eyes. "Go ahead, sweetheart. Take the shot."

My hands trembled. What was he doing?

"Take the shot!" he yelled and I tried to stay focus. It was a trick, it had to be.

"Do it!" He yelled, now lunging for me. My finger drew the trigger in my fright and the laser hit him in the chest just as he grabbed me by the neck and threw me against the wall.

He never even flinched as he pinned me to the wall by my neck and a burning sensation enveloped where he held me.

His face drew close to mine, relishing my panic. "You don't know about Belans, do you?" he laughed. "You can't hurt me. Belans have nearly impenetrable skin, that's how we live in this climate."

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