Chapter 22

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The sun was sinking serenely over the horizon on the rosy backdrop of feathered orange clouds. The lake seemed so calm, like a peaceful mirror only interrupted from the ripples of ducks and fish.

I sat on the bench overlooking it all, tugging at my sweater from the chill in the air. Fall had arrived early.

It was eerily quiet, though not many people enjoyed the lake when the temperature dropped this cold, but it didn't matter to me. This was my favorite place and nothing would deter me. Being alone here allowed me to collect my thoughts and today things were weighing heavy.

I started working at InTeque Enterprises because I loved the environmental focus. We wanted to better the world and solve its problems with long lasting and environmentally safe solutions. We were becoming a huge name globally.

My eyes landed on the soft white moon coming into view in the evening sky and I sighed. We had expanded our space program. We were looking for new forms of energy. Nuclear fission energy had been ruled out centuries ago, but not without taking its toll on the planet. We were still bouncing back.

We had already started working on using the helium rich environment of the moon to move forward with safer nuclear fusion.

The challenge lay in the equipment being able to properly perform the fusion and being able to produce reactors strong enough temperatures for the process. When working in outer space, everything became more complicated.

I loved the challenge though and I believed in this work.  It was a broader scope of focus for me, seeing as I started in the replacement appendage unit.

The human body could now be enhanced by technology, using electrical circuits that could function with the brain as if they were initially part of that body.  It was meaningful work. So when they asked me to move to the Clean Energy Department, I was thrilled! I could help people on a larger scale.

Recently, we had been provided the "opportunity" to add a new department: Global Defense R&D. Though it said "defense" what it really came down to was someone gave our company a large sum of money to start creating weapons. Great technology is used to fix the world's problems, but it always attracts those who wish to use it for evil.

My boss was thrilled, of course he was only focused on the monetary benefit and increase in our salaries.  He had called for a meeting with me at the end of the week and though he didn't tell me what it was about, I already knew; he wanted me as one of the lead programmers. 

He put me on all of the largest projects because of my thorough nature and productively goals. I held myself more accountable than even he did and it made his job that much easier. I was happy because I loved working to produce this new clean energy.  But this new department, I found myself unsure if I wanted to be a part of it, I just didn't know if I really had a choice.

I groaned, taking a sip of my tea to let the warmth trickle down and take away the anxiety building inside my chest.

"Help me..."

My eyes drew forward and looked around. The voice had been so quiet, almost like a whisper. There was no one around. 

I felt a chill as I stood, readying myself to leave.  The sun had slipped below the horizon and it was dark now.  Whether I had imagined the voice or not, I was ready to leave.

"Please... help me..."

I jumped in surprise, realizing I hadn't imagined it.

I heard water splash over by the lake wall.  There had been no breeze and the entire lake had been calm.  Something was over there.

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