Waist Deep...In Water

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I sipped on the remaining of my frap and looked out the window to see the beach filled with laughter and cries of joy. I smiled and wondered if I will ever have a kid to call mine. My thoughts got interrupted by Jacob opening the door and letting me out.

I grabbed my now empty cup and threw it in the trash can near-by.  I turned and saw Jacob walking towards me and squat down, signaling me to hop on. I jumped onto his strong back and he carried me past the families and onto a more deserted part of the beach. He blindfolded me and held my hand, walking me towards...i dont know.

I guess we finally got there and thats when Jacob took the blindfold off, and my eyes met the most romantic thing I have ever seen. I saw a table with a white table cloth over it, with a red rose in a vase and plates with silverware. I also spotted two chairs and rose petals around it. It was so beautiful. I sniffed up my tears and ran into Jacob's arms, sharing a passionate kiss with him.

"Jacob...you didnt have to do this.." I told him

"I know...but I wanted to" Jacob said, a sly smile on

"Awww...You wanna get in the water now?" I asked him

"Heck yes" He said taking off his shirt

I looked at his chest and bit my lip. Before he saw me do that, I pulled the shirt over my head. I looked back up to Jacob staring at me. I smiled and took off my flip flops and jumped on his back. He ran full speed to the water and I felt droplets splash the bottom of my feet. I shivered.

Jacob got it worse. The water splashed to his knees.

"Ahhh this is cold" He said

He set me down gently and grabbed my hand, leading me farther into the water. I took slow steps, the water rising to the top of my bikini bottoms. I shivered, as it touched my belly. We walked further, to where it stopped at the top of  my belly button. I looked up at Jacob who was looking out at the waves coming in.

"Do you wanna jump the waves?" Jacob asked me


We turned towards the beach and waited. The wave finally came and I jumped over it. Jacob on the other hand....was too slow. The water knocked him over and he fell face first. I laughed so hard until I helped him up. He came up and I laughed again.

"Oh,.. So you think thats funny huh" Jacob told me, a smirk on his face

He picked me up and layed me in the water, the water covering all of my body execpt for my face.

"Jacob!" I shrieked, the coldness taking over

I grabbed his neck and pulled him down. He fell and came back up, coughing.

"Jacob! Are you alright?" I asked concerned.

I sat up and put my hand on his back, and leaned my head in to get a better look at him. He turned to me with an angry face on.

"Why would you do that?!" Jacob hissed loudly

He slide towards me,his figure towering over me. I gulped.

"J-J-Jacob Im s-s-s-sorry" I said, stuttering and holding back tears

His face still had a grimance on it. It turned into a laugh and he grabbed me.

"Im just playing babe" He said, kissing my cheek

I smiled and looked up, the clouds coming in.

"Its getting late...you wanna get going?" I asked Jacob

"Yea...I'll call the service and tell them to take the table and things. Lets go" Jacob said, grabbing my hand.

We walked back onto shore and dried off. After that we went to the shower and rinsed off our feet, the sand disappearing in the drain.

The both of us walked back to the car and got in, Jacob driving back home.

'At Home'

I walked in, setting the bag down and kicking my flipflops off.

"Meet me in my room" Jacob told me, walking to his room.

I walked into my room and turned on the light. I took off my bathing suit and set it in the bath tub. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body,  walked into Jacob's room. I saw him taking off his trunks in the bathroom. I walked in and dropped my towel. I then turned on the water, checking to make sure it was just right. I turned around and looked at Jacob, checking to make sure was he alright. He was behind me, trying not to look at me. I laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the shower.

I let the water run through my hair and Jacob did the same. I washed my body and Jacob washed my back. I did the same for him. After I was done I was about to get out untill Jacob pulled me back, me lightly touching 'him'. I turned towards him and he kissed my neck, trailing soft kisses down to my collar bone. A soft moan escaped my lips.

"May I?" Jacob whispered in my ear.

"Im all yours" I whispered back to him, kissing his neck and making my way to his chest. I felt his chest and his back. He felt so...strong and built.

He took the lead and pinned me to the wall, and took over.

And that night...We made sweet love...and I found out one thing afterwards...

We didn't use a condom

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