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Raheem pic in external link, beware and caution of sexyness!!! -----------> the boy without the shirt on :*

Lea's POV

i walked into Jasmine's apartment with empty arms and held the door open for Raheem. He had arms full of my bags.

"aw, your so sweet" i said, pecking him on the lips

he tried to concentrate and walked to my room and set the bags down by my bed. He layed me on the bed and kissed me around my neck, hitting my spots. it caused some soft moans from my mouth.

i couldnt wrap my legs around him, or do anything for that matter since im pregnant. So, he sat on the bed and tried to pick me up. I lifted up a little and sat on his lap.

I moved around on him and he bit his lip. He reached down and rubbed my FP (Forbidden Place, Lmfao ion like saying c...) I moaned.

"dang baby u wet" Raheem said, still rubbing

"well, u make me horny" i said, kissing his neck

He pulled down my shorts and parted my panties. He didnt slip one but two fingers in, making me gasp

"sheeeet" i hissed, grinding my hips

he pulled out his fingers when i came and licked them. I kissed him and sucked on his tongue

"damn, do it again" he said

"wait" i said

I unbuckled his pants and pulled him out. i rubbed it softly and sucked his tongue again.

He lifted me up and slipped himself in, going slow. Raheem couldnt go so fast since i was pregnant.

I moaned and layed my head in his neck and he grabbed my hips. I heard a door open.

"baby, u heard that?" I whispered

"yea, your sexy moans" he said, kissing my neck

"no, i think Jasmine's back home!" I hissed

"Lea? U here?" Jasmine called from the living room

Raheem grabbed the sheet off of my bed and wrapped it around us. Jasmine walked in

"Mhm, betta not be doing anything freakaaaay" She said, dragging out freaky

"Oh we arent, are we Lea?" Raheem said, pumping into me slowly

"Yea, thats right!" I moaned "I, thats right"

Jasmine stared at me crazy "Okay well, dinner will be ready in a little" then she left

"Baby ima.." Raheem started, then came

I layed on top of him "I love you"

"i love you too"

-3 months later-

Lea's POV

my water broke, now im in the hospital about to give labor. Jesus, when I tell u..this hurts like a mf

i layed down, gripping Raheem's hand. He was too busy on his phone texting

"put it down" i said, angrily

he ignored me and contiued to text

I grabbed the phone and threw it at the door

"wtf would you do that?!" he screamed at me

i stared at him "Oh i dont know, lemme just ask this baby thats about to come out of ME! your not the one giving birth. betta be lucky u dont have a -" i started, firing up but the doctor came in

"Ms.Lea, you have someone, by the name of jacob" Dr.Portilla said

"dont send that mexican looking nig-" raheem started

"send him in" i said, rolling my eyes at Raheem

Jacob came in and ran by my bedside

"Im so sorry Im late, Jasmine called me" He said, grabbing my hand

I sent daggers Raheem's way "why didnt you call him like i askeeed" i said, the last part, dragged out since the baby was on the way

"ion no" he mumbled, picking at his nail

I grabbed Jacob's hand "Thanks for being here Jacob" I said, smiling at him

-4 hours later-

"PUSH!" the doctor screamed

"IVE BEEN PUSHING FOR THE LAST 10 MINUTES!" i screamed, gripping Raheem and Jacobs hand.

gosh, this baby gonna have a big head like its father

"I see a head" the doctor said "keep pushing"

I pushed harder and harder. Jacob and Raheem screamed for their poor hands.

After another 10 minutes, the baby was out and crying.

"whats her name?" Dr.Portilla asked, holding our baby girl

I Looked at Jacob "You can decide Jay"

He smiled at me "Lexis Imani Perez"

"Lexis Imani Perez" i repeated, this time to the doctor

"congrats Jacob & Lea, you are now parents. Would you like to hold the baby?"

"Yes" Jacob and I said at the same time

the doctor passed him to me and I kissed her chubby cheeks. (you will see the baby on the side)

I rocked her then passed her to Raheem, forgeting about Jacob

I then turned around to Jacob looking at the floor and my heart broke. He was crying. I feel so horrible!

"Raheem" I croaked "Pass her to Jacob, you can see her later"

"i wanna see her now" Raheem said, poking the baby

"Raheem" i said sternly

Raheem rolled his eyes and forcefully passed the baby to Jacob

"Raheem! Its a new born, not even 10 minutes old" I yelled

He shrugged and walked out the room

Jacob wiped his eyes and kissed our crying baby.

"shes going to have hair like you" he told me "i can see it"

I smiled at him. she was definitely going to be daddy's girl

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