Where Is She?

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Heyy! Everyone if you can PLEASE comment on my stories or message me so I know how im doing? I reply back to ALL messages. Dont be scared, I dont judge people. -Imani


Jacob's POV

I sat in bed with tissues everywhere. I havent gotten out of bed when I found that Lea was missing. I felt like the world came to an end. Did I do something wrong? I mean she left all of her stuff. I filed a report but since I didnt have any pictures of her or didnt know her age, last name, or anything else, it was no use.

I was just about to cry again when I heard a knock at the door. I decided not to get up and I closed my eyes.


They knocked more loudly this time so I got up relunctly and opened the door, looking down since the sun was in full blaze.

"What?" I called put hoarsly, trying to look up but the sun decided against it

"Jacob!" A familar voice called out and ran to hug me

"L-l-lea?" I asked, trying to look at her

"Mhmm" She said, wrapping her arms around me

I held her so close that nothing could get between us.

"Dont scare me like that again" I told her, resting my head on hers

"I promise"

I looked up at a girl standing in the doorway

"Oh hey Jasmin" I said, looking at her

She waved her hand at me, giving a small smile.

"You two know each other?" Lea asked, looking between us

"Know each other?" I called, letting go of Lea "We went to high school together. We were friends"

"And we still are!" Jasmin said, smiling

They exchanged a smile and I started feeling jealous and I had to hurry up and change the subject.

"Jasmin come here! I have to show you something" I said, grabbing her hand and taking her to my room.

Far Away Princeton Love Story [COMPLETED & UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now