Part 13

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(Levi POV)

Impatient horses stamped the ground as their riders stared wistfully. Despite the cheers of the onlookers, a nervous dread lay in the hearts of the survey corps. They trotted between the tall houses fully aware of what lay beyond the gates. They were going to capture a titan.

Levi directed his ebony stallion through the slow procession. There was something he had to do before they left. Something he had to say, to someone...

Deep within rows of horses and their emerald clad riders were the wagons. Pulled by two fierce thoroughbreds these simple wooden carts were all that would sustain the party of several hundred strong. Levi rode up alongside the carriage with a familiar goggle wearing titan-maniac. She was tinkering with one of her contraptions.

She doesn't notice me approach so I tap her on the shoulder. She is startled but sighs with relief when she sees it's me. I have a lot to say and the road through Shiganishina isn't long enough.
"Oh hi Levi. Did you need something?"

Slumping my shoulders, I reluctantly mutter "I am sorry..."

"What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of the carriage." She calls back.

I impatiently repeat louder "I am sorry, for what I said back in the capital. I hesitated." I shamefully acknowledge staring into my horse's mane.

Hange dropped her spanner in the cart inquiring "Why? You don't regret your decisions." I meet her gaze and stare into her goggles.

"I have never felt like this before. I didn't know I even could." My guilt was welling up from stomach and burning my cheeks.

I reach out "Hange I..."

She holds my hand between hers. Her smile was big and wide. Her eyes were tender and on the verge of tears. Once again, I feel a sense of tranquillity that I could only can remember like a dream.

"It's okay Levi. I hoped you did." She grins lovingly. "But there will be time for that later."

"Right." I nod calmly.

The convoy stops. The sound of mighty chains echoes through the narrow street. 

The wall opens. 

An Abnormal Like Me - A LevihanFanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now