Part 12

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(Hange's POV)

There was salty mood in the air. Military men meandered around the amphitheatre which had been designated for the demonstration. They muttered to one another as they watched the science division prepare the devices. Standing in the shadow of the wooden titan mock up, there was a grim foreboding. Treasurer Secretary Mulligan couldn't even be bothered inspecting the devices like his counsel had. He had reclined to the shaded stands, keenly watching. I was next to Erwin and their team vaguely answering questions the questions of passers-by. My mind was elsewhere, preoccupied with different matters. I probably pissed off a couple more high-ranking military officers.

"Excuse me Miss!" An indigent officer called out brandishing one of the prepared dossiers. "This handwriting is atrocious. What is this word?" He demanded tapping the page in my face. Before I had a chance to answer I heard a voice approaching from behind me.

"Tch, that clearly says detain. That's a 't' and that's an 'e'. It is quite obvious." It was Levi.

He doesn't even have the nerve to look me in the eye. Levi scuffed the dirt as the disgruntled man left. Why couldn't he look at me?

With considerable irritation I commented "I didn't think you would be here, Levi. Not after-"

"Of course, I would be here. Idiot. It's my job." He curtly responded.

My heart bolted for the gate before my rational mind could catch up, "Can we talk about what we said this morning?" escaped my lips.

He remained silent and still, staring straightforward.

I almost reach out for him.

Moblit shook me from my stupor, confidently informing me "The 'titan-catchers' are loaded Squad Leader."

"Oh... very good Moblit."

That's right, my focus should be here, with my work. I turn to the Commander "We are ready when you are Commander Erwin."

"You may begin your demonstration when ready." He ordered, making his way to the stands of the amphitheatre.

With a show-woman's enthusiasm I take my place. "Ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of the science division on the Survey corps, I will now demonstrate the latest weapon against the titans." Slapping the body of one the 'titan-catchers' "This technology is not only a ranged and effective tool to restrain titans from the ground but can be easily implemented across the whole military. Without further ado... FIRE!"

The ground shakes with many thunderous explosions. Hundreds of wires impale the dummy, mercilessly stabbing into its artificial flesh. Those around me recoil against the deafening noise, clutching their ears but to me it sounded like music. I was so elated watching each harpoon hit its mark.

The crowd is gob smacked. With zeal I continue "As you can see the multiple detainment systems, anchored in place, have now completely immobilised their target. Imagine your soldiers stopping the enemy's advance with a couple of these bad boys." I turn to the stoic frame of secretary Mulligan, feeling victorious adding "With the military's support and funding we can..."

The celebration is short lived as an alien screech echoes across the amphitheatre. One of the wires, gnarled and stretched to breaking point, squeals as it bends. The harpoon tears it's way out of the dummy.

I see the shadow, the blurred image of the cable arcing its way through the air.

I feel an arm around my shoulder as I am grabbed and flung to the ground.

I am left staring up at Levi's chest, who was crouching over me.

It happened in less than a second.

Levi's eyes were wide. He was scanning my face, analysing each detail.

I held my hand and caressed his cheek. "Thanks Levi..." He held my hand up to his face, holding it tightly before helping me to my feet.

The crowd was shouting and throwing up their hands in outrage. Low ranking men at the front staggered at how close the cable.

Amongst the noise and confusion, I knew we were done. The long days and longer nights, all useless. All those blueprints and specifications, worthless. One step backwards for us all.

While I lazily scanned the turbulent crowd, picking up fragments of their bitter words, I hardly noticed Erwin and Treasurer Secretary Mulligan walk over to us.

I wasn't even facing the direction but a nudge from Levi and hastily I stood to attention.

"Treasurer Secretary, sir. I apologise for the malfunction of the prototype." I bitterly add "I understand your lack of support for the project, sir."

"You're wrong." He creaks, much to my surprise. "Theoretically, I have large support for this project. Unlike the common man, you have the promise to bring forward profitable innovation. Your determination is something my colleagues aren't smart enough to capitalise on. This would indeed be a most profitable technology if you tested it." I didn't overlook his greed for a second. His ambition and selfish desire for my weapon was exactly what I was hoping for.

Overwhelmed by a mixture of elation and hysteria, I struggled to maintain my composure. I asked what he meant. "But sir, isn't this a test of the device?"

With a sly smile he replied "This proves nothing except your ability to hit a target. Before I allocate your funds, I would like you to capture a real titan and bring it back within the walls."

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