🦇 8}

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After the news Jihoon delivered, it took a while for Minhyuk to finally answer the Heart. Each passing day was spent under the dissappointed gaze of both Jihoon and the Messenger. The later was growing more and more annoyed each time Minhyuk refused to answer a note. When Minhyun finally decided to reply the note had been written under the glare of a fuming Messenger. Truly Minhyuk didn't really think when he wrote the note, unaware of the danger he was going to expose them to. He should have known, he was the Devil in charge after all, he knew the spots in the territory that should never be disturbed.
However Minhyuk knew he had to meet the Heart as soon as he could. He knew that because of his hesitation he had put the two of them in danger, the bond would kill them both before they could even know the other's name. All he knew of the boy was that he was an Omega, a Heart, had soft looking hair and innocent looking eyes, which basically was nothing. Minhyuk wanted to know the Heart more before anything but he knew the two of them were running out of time. They only had two choices at this point. Die or consume the bond.

The Guardian only rose an eyebrow when the red haired Devil suddenly rose from his seat. He had set a specific time but he knew he would loose track of time if he were to talk with Jihoon any longer. Minhyuk waved his hand, a sign to say he'll explain everything later, and flew away before his friend could answer. The Devil didn't go far, even as the Devil in charge he could be seen as a target if he were to fly above the trees.
Even though he was the one who called for a meeting, even though he held himself with confidence, Minhyuk was pretty nervous. Not that he would ever admit it. He saw the Heart before Minhyuk heard him, he still looked beautiful, a bit worried but beautiful nonetheless. Minhyuk found himself lost in the innocent look of the (e/c) orbs of the Heart yet found himself snap out of it as soon as the alarm rung. The sound loud in it's warning of intruders, one last warning before death could come and seek them. Minhyuk didn't think. He grabbed the Heart's wrist, despite his protests, and ran. Minhyuk never let go of the wrist of the Heart, even when they came out of the forest and flew away from it, his hand firmly held onto his wrist. What alarmed the two were the hurrying footsteps they heard before they were able to fly away, Minhyuk knew they were seen.

Minhyuk only allowed them to slow down once they reached his house, only then he finally let go of the Heart's wrist who immediately started to rub the red handprint on it, a frown on his face, his (e/c) darken as he did so. Minhyuk reached for the Heart's wrist again but stopped himself when he saw him flinch, instead he made a gesture for the Heart to get in, which he did. Minhyuk took a moment to see the damage on the Heart's wrist and frown, he didn't noticed his grip had been too tight and left an angry red mark.
Minhyuk did feel guilty yet couldn't find the words, the Heart somehow had the power to make him that way. The red haired Devil went to take a towel, pour water on it - yet not enough for it to drip all over his floor - and brought it back to the Heart. The latter looked confused, of course he was, Angels owned light colored houses and fournitures whereas Devils owned everything in dark colors. The (h/c) male didn't notice Minkyuk until he felt a hand on his forearm, the Devil held his forearm and softly wrapped his wrist in the wet towel. The (e/c) orbs met pink, the Heart's cheeks flushed pink as they did so. They stood close to the other yet felt like there was a wall between them, the mystery of the other that they couldn't resolve and the lack of name created it, yet none of them dared to speak.

Devil and Heart stood there for the longest time - at least to them it felt like it - until Minhyuk took away the towel to see the Heart's wrist. He sighed in relief when he saw the angry red had become a soft pink, the Devil slowly traced the mark which made the Heart flinch. The red haired male took this as his signal to get away from the other. Minhyuk did the same thing, wet the towel, bring it to the Heart, wrap it around his wrist and stay close to the other in silence. It wasn't awkward, it was peaceful. Intimate even. They kept their eyes locked onto the other's, small smiles on their faces, cheeks pink, slowly getting closer to the other until their lips touched.
They pulled away from the other only to close the gap again, towel long forgotten, the Heart's arms around the Devil's shoulders and the Devil's arms around the Heart's waist. It felt right, they continued to kiss like that until Minkyuk deepen the kiss. A hand moved to rest on the Heart's nape, his arm pulled the Heart closer to his body in a possessive grip. They could feel their skin heating up, the Heart's cheeks becoming a flaming red as he felt slick run down his thigh. The Heart's sighs and moans were music to the Devil's ears, he wanted to hear more of them.
The sound of the door being slammed onto the wall made them jump, Minkyuk stood in front of the Heart as a shield. In front of them stood an Angel - a Guardian - with glaring grey eyes, his wings feathers ruffled in fury.

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Hi, hello, heya.

Yes I'm evil.

Yes, I missed Saturday's update, yes.
But as you may see it's Tuesday and yes, it's an update.

Anyway I hope you liked it and see y'all Saturday 🐍

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