🕊️ 1}

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It was a rainy day, footsteps making wet sounds each time they hit the ground, roads slippery because of the heavy rain, umbrellas being dots of colors dancing on the streets as they avoided running into others and there she stood. The young girl was in a rush, walking way too fast on the wet street when the light turned red before she could cross the road which made her groan of frustration. She thought of crossing before the cars could start, make a run for it and actually arrive on time at her appointment, then she felt like time stopped, that's when she heard it.
Her Heart telling her she could get hit and maybe died on the road if she did cross at that moment.
Her Mind told her it was way more important to cross now and arrive on time, she just had to make it fast, run quickly to the safety of the other side. She was torn. She did want to arrive on time as it was for a new job but she definitely didn't want to risk being hit by a car just for a job, maybe the person would understand why she was late ? She hesitated, sighed and stayed put as the cars started to drive again. When she saw how fast a car ran past, she thought she made the good decision by stopping instead of crossing. She mentally thanked her Heart for helping her, she couldn't see the proud smile on the Angel watching her nor could she see the frown on the Devil's face.
When she arrived safely at her appointment, the person understood why she was a bit late. In the end she lived and got a job, her day couldn't have been better. She later told her family who thanked her "gardian angel" for making sure she made it safe and sound.

Meanwhile the Devil was still gritting her teeth, she was pissed she failed once again as the Angel was happy the woman made the good decision, he was proud of himself for winning once again.
The two flew back to their territory, the guardians welcoming them back, their wings disappearing once their feet touched the ground.
The Devil went away, stomping her feet as she left, she couldn't believe the Angel won again. As for Angel, he took his Halo in his hands and slowly made his way back to the Hearts dormitories, a sigh of relief as he saw no one else was up.
He threw his Halo on his pillow and threw himself on his bed afterwards, carefully avoiding crushing his Halo while doing so. He fell asleep soon after his back touched the mattress.

A soft knock and the sound of the door opening woke him up, he didn't know how long he was asleep but he was sure it was more than four hours. Another Heart came in, papers in hands, furiously writing something as he greeted him. "Good to see you came back." The young Angel jumped on his feet as he realized he never gave his report for today's duty. "Heart (L/n), I know you're still new to this but please remember to give your report before going back to the dormitory." to which, the young Heart also known as (M/n) chuckled nervously. "You're not in trouble, it's just a reminder. But by your attitude I'd say everything went well ?" he nodded. The other Heart nodded back, a smile on her face as she wrote something next to his name. "From now on please remember your report, alright ?" she said then she left after (M/n) confirmed he understood.

He sighed as soon as the door closed. He never thought being a Heart could be this hard, sometimes the Mind he was against did find some good arguments and he almost lost the Human.
(M/n) often found himself stressed because of it so he found a way to make himself feel better. He discovered that young Humans could see them, which often got their parents to shake their heads and often told them there was no such thing as an Angel or a Devil, the children often looked back at them in confusion.
The (h/c) Angel sort of made it his mission to reassure the young ones and put a smile back on their faces. After his duties he went down to Earth to meet them, he would have done so today too but seeing the heavy rain he knew they wouldn't be out.

That's how (M/n) spent his time and the others knew, the Elders didn't really care but they did make sure the (h/c) male didn't interfere with other's work.
Usually Angels and Devils had a certain glow to their skin, it would look eerie on a "Human" so they had to ask a Medic to help either tone down the glow or make it disappear for a few hours.
Medics knew he would do this often. There was only two reasons he woulf visit them after all. This and whenever he was close to his Heat.
As an Omega (M/n) was somewhat expected to take the injection but he never did, he would often take the pill, (M/n) knew the side effects of the injection and how he would have to stay home because of them.
Most of the Angels knew how he hated stay at home and do nothing, it never surprised the others when they saw him take the pills and walk around even if he was close to his Heat period.

(M/n) was also known for looking forward to his next mission, he loved watching how the Humans lived as long as they enjoyed it. Whenever there was a fight, any kind of fight that is, he would walk away. (M/n) didn't really like see them like that.
There was something that made his chest squeeze in pain when they saw them like that.
On duty he had to deal with it and hope the Human would make the good decision and not make a rushed decision which could end their life.
He loved the way he lived but if someone had told him that his next duty would bring a Devil in his life, he would have laughed at them.
After all nothing good came from associating with a Devil.
Fate had a different plan for (M/n). Maybe some Devils weren't as bad as they were said to be ?

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Hi, hello, heya.

The adventure finally starts !

For those who read The Prince's Mate, you would have noticed I changed a bit the way I wrote. I wanted to try another way to write so this is it.

Also each chapter won't be a specific character's pov, it's more like Angel's side and Devil's side of the story, if that makes sense ?

Oh and chapters will be around 1k words instead of 700. It's a lil challenge I'm giving to myself!

Anyway hoped you liked it and see y'all next week ! 🐍

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