🕊️ 7}

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It took a whole week before (M/n) got an answer. He had sent many notes yet all of them came back unanswered. Meanwhile he had fallen back into his routine, at the exception of the written notes which became a part of his routine. His thoughts always wandering back to the Devil and the notes he sent whenever he wasn't on duty. Was the Devil surprised ? Surely the Devil didn't expect something from (M/n) after all, they only met once, didn't know the other's name nor had truly spoke with the other. They were a mystery to the other. They didn't know the other for long yet, to (M/n), it felt like he knew the Devil for years. It was strange. The Heart did wonder if something had tied them together, he felt hurt when he didn't get any answer and found himself missing the Devil. Strange it was.
(M/n) went to see the Medics that day. Surely they could give him an answer. A gentle Medic took him, hiding him from the others, and asked (M/n) what brought him there. Especially after what happened four days ago. Unfortunately the Medic didn't have an answer, she did suggest for (M/n) to find books about accidental bonds. As rare as they were, some cases were well known in history. Maybe (M/n) would find something that ressemble what happened to him, to them.

After the Heart gave his thanks to the Medic, he got out ready to find anything he could on those accidental bonds when he noticed a familiar figure. And there he was. The small Messenger hiding in the shadows, a small smile on his face as he held a note between his fingers. (M/n) felt a sudden happiness at the note, which confused him greatly. It was only a note, it could be from anyone and for anyone.
Once the Heart had joined the Messenger he noticed something different. The Messenger had his Halo. Maybe it was what made the Messenger smile.
Once (M/n) was within arm reach the Messenger handed him the note, happiness bursted in his chest as he took said note. The Heart did not expect what was written in said note. The Devil asked to meet him. He wasn't ready for this. But the note sounded urgent, important. It wasn't just a meeting, it had to be something more important. (E/c) orbs looked up, uncertain, only to meet reasurring pale blue orbs. The Messenger only nodded at (M/n) and took off, taking no notes in return.

(M/n) didn't know how long he stood there, the small note held in a tight grip, eyes still staring at the spot the Messenger stood in. What was he supposed to do ? Meeting a Devil was a bad idea yet he felt like this Devil had answers about this situation. He still had a bit of time before he had to meet the Devil so he went to the library. The Medic did mention something about hidden feelings and a bond, which made no sense to (M/n). Until he found exactly that. A bond can be created between two individuals if said individuals secretly wish for someone to be by their side. They crave the warmth that nor a friend nor family can not provide thus they look for someone else, close or not, to provide it. The individual may not be aware of said craving. The downside of said bond is that the individuals have to meet again before two weeks after the time the bond formed, if they fail to do so then the two bonded individuals will die. That scared (M/n). They only had a single day left. Fortunately the Devil had scheduled the meeting before said day was up. It did comfirme (M/n)'s theory, the Devil knew of the bond. How he did, that (M/n) didn't know but he wanted his answers.

All the new informations had (M/n)'s head spinning. It sounded crazy. Yet it did sound possible. Since he was born (M/n) was said to be the purest Angel, which made the others stay away from him. He felt lonely. He only wanted someone to fill up the hole of loneliness in his heart, not that he would say it outloud. Maybe the Devil, his true self not the mask he showed to everyone, felt the same loneliness.
(M/n) found himself panic, the meeting place wasnt in a neutral territory, there was no way he could come and go safely. If Hunters were to find him in a Devil territory (M/n) was sure he'd be dead before he could explain himself. Well either way he'd die. If he shows up and Hunters finds him he'd die and if he doesn't show up and doesn't do whatever it takes for the bond to keep them alive, both of them would die. None of the options were pleasant for (M/n).

Yet the Heart found himself walking in the forest of the Devil's territory, not feeling safe in the slightest. He wanted to curse the Devil out yet he couldn't find the words. Every noise from the forest made him jump and curled his wings around himself almost to protect himself from said noises. (M/n) could almost feel eyes watching his every moves. It was driving him crazy.
The Devil must be insane to call a Heart like (M/n) in a part of the Devil's territory, unless he didn't think of the dangers of an Angel being in a Devil territory. (M/n) walked fast, he could feel the burn in his muscles because of it, he wanted to find the Devil as soon as he could. At least he would have a bit of protection, a reason to be there. Or was he here to be killed ? Fear gripped his mind and only grew stronger because of that thought. He could be walking straight to his death and not know about it.
Every thought left his mind as his (e/c) eyes found the familiar pink eyes of the Devil. The latter was about to say something when an alarm rang, freezing the two in place, panic gripping their minds.
The alarm ment intruders in the territory, Hunters were sent to find said intruders, in this case the intruder was (M/n).

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Hi, hello, heya.

I'm back, well I'm slowly getting used to write again, I'm sorry it took so long for a new update.

No one cares about my life so whatever, I'll try to update once a week like I did before.

I appreciate your patience and I'm grateful to those who read this story.

Anyway, like always I hope you liked it and see y'all next Saturday, hopefully. 🐍

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