I focus ahead. "Yeah. That son of a bitch has been messing with us this whole time."

"That slimy little shit," Bella says.

We turn a corner and see there is an open doorway at the far end of the corridor. I immediately recognise the daylight and large room beyond. "This way," I say.

We come out into the large abandoned factory. I think we've come from the doorway Bella had first seen the man with the axe. The hole that Luke fell through is ahead. I spin around as we go, waiting to catch sight of Will or the old man.

"Luke!" Bella calls out. "Lucas!"

I worry when there's no reply. We get closer to the hole, but before we can look down, someone steps out from behind a pillar ahead. We stumble to a stop, bumping into each other, and see Will stepping towards us with the giant butcher's knife in hand. He's still in the big raincoat but has his hood down.

I start to push us back as he approaches.

"Luke!" Bella screams, her voice cracking with desperation.

"Don't bother," Will says.

Oh god, did he do something to Luke? We back up until we almost hit a wall. No way out unless we run to either side. Bella has the metal pole held in front of her, but I don't think she's confident in using it. I've a feeling that Will is faster - and definitely stronger - than all of us. He's been cool and detached this entire time. It's only now that I realise just how calm he's been with us. Because he was never afraid. He knew exactly what was going on the whole time.

"How could you do this?" I ask. I stand there with my arms out, keeping the girls behind me, feeling more terrified than I've ever been in my life.

"It wasn't easy," he says, and cracks an ugly smile. "But it was a lot of fun."

"Fuck you, Will," Bella says. "What did we ever do to you?"

"To me? Nothing."

Anger is boiling inside of me, flushing my cheeks. "You know... I really liked you. I really thought you were a good guy." It surprises me how hurt I truly feel.

"Get used to disappointment, sweetheart." He glares at me with a crooked grin. It takes all my strength not to charge forward and slap him. Claw at his face. Or grab Bella's pole and swing at him. Even if it was the last thing I ever did.

"Why?" Bella says. "Why? You fucking psycho. Why did you do this to us?"

Will cocks his head. "It's very simple. You killed my sister."

Confusion gives way to sudden realisation. "May," I say. "Your sister?" That can't be. She doesn't have a brother.

"I know. She never mentioned me. I was never around much. She's my half-sister, really. But when I heard that she had killed herself, and had named two people responsible for her misery... Well, I had to meet them. So I came back to London. Then, one thing led to another, and you all showed up to my escape room."

"You won't get away with this," Bella says.

Will smiles. His hair is ruffled from the balaclava and his eyes look different now. His whole demeanour is like another person. He takes a step closer, causing us to flinch. Chia whimpers and hides her head in Bella's shoulder.

"Why the theatrics?" I ask, feeling sick as everything sinks in. "Why the twisted game?"

Will's face hardens. A vein is bulging on his temple. "I loved my sister very much. I heard how she kept telling everyone to ease off her. Stop with the taunts and the sick rumours. She said that everyone thought it was a game. They kept saying they were just playing with her. Just messing with her. Like she was a toy that everyone could bang around. I wanted you both to understand what it felt like to be played with. To play a game you didn't want to be a part of. I wanted you to confess to the world for killing my sister." A grin forms on his face. "I have to admit that I very much enjoyed watching you all suffer and panic, running around like headless chickens. It's the best time I've ever had."

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