Chapter 2

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All of these characters belong to Sarah J Maas

My hands moved daintily over the canvas as I heard a knock at the door. I quickly plastered a pretty smile on my face and pretended to look at the canvas like contemplating what to do next. As I prettily said "Come in." Lucien and Tamlin entered and I tried to act like I was having fun, Lucien looked at me suspiciously,  but I ignored him as I looked at Tamlin who asked, "Are you okay? Not tired?" "I'm fine," I answered in the sweetest voice I could muster. Talkin looked hesitant but then told me "Ianthe's coming today, maybe you should go get ready for dinner?" Ianthe was coming, I was going to Kill her one day for what she did to my sisters. Talkin must have known as he said " Ianthe is very sorry, you should just hear her out." I nodded and politely took my leave as he said "That painting is lovely by the way." That painting a depiction for what he thought I wanted when what I actually wanted was to be in the Nihht Court with my family and Rhys and get ready for the baby. The baby I thought as I made the way up to my new bedroom the old one it seems that Tamlin had trashed in his anger when I disappeared. I wondered how Rhys had reacted when I told him through the bond. I hoped he would be okay with it because I didn't know what I would do if he didn't want to have a child especially in the middle of this war.

I got ready in the fancy dress and jewellery that I had once despised wearing and for a couple of seconds let go of the glamour that had been hiding my tattoo and baby bump. I gasped surprised as I saw a visible bump showing through my top. my hand was on my stomach as i felt something moved, i remembered the bone carvers vision. I felt Rhys on the other side of the bond as he asked are you okay

Yes, he just is a very active baby, like his father, I answered

He sent a wave of love down the bond as he said When are you coming home? Your favourite Illyrian is missing you.

Then I felt it my dinner coming up through my throat as I rushed to the bathing room to hurl my gut out.

Breathe , its okay  Rhys said through the bond.

I was so focused on my breathing and trying to keep my dinner down that I didn't hear someone coming into my room. I then heard Lucien asking me if I was okay. I was so surprised to hear him that I turned around and forgot to glamour myself again. 

I couldn't defend myself as Lucien took my hand and winnowed me into the forest.

I'm coming to get you right now, stay there, Rhys shot down the bond.

"You're pregnant?" Lucien asks.

I didn't know what to say so i just nodded silently.

"When were you going to tell us? When were you going to tell Tamlin? I knew it since you released that light in Hybern, my friend in Dawn Court can do it and it doesn't do whatever you said it did. Why? Why did you come to brake us?"

So I just told him what had happened during those months after Amarantha and my fear, and how it had completely broken me. By that time Lucien just asked "I'm coming back with you, I need to get my mate." I tried saying no but then just went along with it because I knew how much Lucien didn't fit in here.

Then all  of a sudden I felt some people behind me and I saw them, Mor, Cassian and Azriel. It suddenly hit them how long I had been away from them so I just went up to each of them and hugged them tightly, all of them returning the sentiment. Then Mor just looked at me and started silently screaming as she took in my baby bump and said"excitedly, "I'm going to be a aunt!" I couldn't help it as the tears started flowing down and as she took mine and Lucien's hand to whisk us away to the night court without Spring knowing we were gone.

* Hey Guys!!!!! Sorry if these are really bad, its my first fanfiction. Hope you enjoyed. I'll try to upload as often as possible probably on the weekends cause weekdays are pretty hectic with school and homework. *

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