The Locked Sarcophagus

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Iris' POV

Rick and Jonathan are using sledge-hammers against the ceiling. Evie is gently chipping away with a tiny chisel. As I was told to stay back, so I sit down by the wall. "According to my calculations, we should be right under the statue. We'll come up right between his legs" Evie explains. She blushes and laughs nervously.

"Why are you blushing?" I ask her confused.

"Never you mind" she tells me.

"And when those dirty Yanks go to sleep..." Jonathan starts to say. "No offense" he tells Rick.

"None taken" Rick tells him.

"We'll sneak up and steal that book right out from under them" Jonathan finishes.

"And you're sure you can find the secret compartment?" Rick and I ask Evie. Not that I doubt my sister, but she doesn't have much experience in the field. She said so herself.

"Yes, if their Egyptologist hasn't already found it" Evie tells us.

"I say, what's our smelly little friend got himself up to?" Jonathan asks looking around. I look around and notice he's right. No wonder the air smells nicer.

"Lets take a break" Evie tells the other two. Jonathan starts to use his sledge hammer a golf club hitting rocks. While Rick and Evie sit either side of me. Evie starts to explain mummification to Rick and I. "Ooh, and you know how they took out your brains?" she asks Rick excitedly.

"Evie, I don't think Iris needs to know this" Jonathan tells her.

"But I want to know" I whine.

"They take a sharp, red hot poker, stick it up your nose, scramble things about a bit, and then rip it all out through your nostrils" Evie explains demonstrating with his chisel.

"Ouch" I say as I cover my nose.

"That's gotta hurt" Rick tells her.

"It's called mummification, you'll be dead when they do this" Evie assures us.

"For the record, if I don't make it out of here, don't put me down for mummification" Rick tells Jonathan.

"Me neither" I add. I'd rather stay in one piece once I'm dead.

"Likewise" Jonathan tells us hitting another rock. That's when a huge chunk of the roof suddenly gives out. Rick grabs Evie and I, he jerks us clear. Jonathan dives for the far wall.

A massive stone casement drops out of the ceiling. It crashes to the floor and sends dust flying. The dust fills the room as I cough covering my mouth. Soon the dust is starts to clear. We all slowly get up and step over to the massive stone casement. "You ok?" Jonathan asks me concerned and I nod my head.

"Oh my god... It looks like, it looks like a sarcophagus" Evie states.

"Why would they bury somebody in the ceiling?" I ask them confused.

"They didn't, they buried him at the foot of Anubis. He was either someone of great importance. Or he did something very naughty" Evie explains. We clear the dirt off the top of the sarcophagus, revealing a single, ominous hieroglyph.

Evie and stare at it Jonathan impatiently strums his fingers across the lid. Rick standing close by. "Well?... Who is it?" Jonathan asks us.

Evelyn stares at the hieroglyph, confused and concerned. While I look at it just confused. "He that shall not be named" we read.

"Wait you can read ancient Egyptian?" Rick asks me surprised.

"And write it, still learning to speak it though" I tell him proudly. He shrugs and dusts off the huge lock. "Whoa" I say looking at it.

"There's some sort of lock here. You say these thing's are made of granite with a steel interior?" Rick asks Evie.

"Quarried granite with a cobalt lining" she tells him.

"Whoever's in here, sure wasn't getting out" Jonathan states.

"I think he was naughty" I state looking up at the ceiling.

"Perhaps" Evie tells me.

"Without a key, it'll take us a month to crack this thing" Rick tells us.

"A key" I say looking up at Evie.

"That's it! That's what he was talking about!" she exclaims happily.

"Who was talking about what?" Rick asks us confused. Evelyn starts rummaging through the pack on Jonathan's back.

"The man on the boat. The one with the hook, he was looking for a key" I explain. Evie pulls out the puzzle box. Jonathan tries to take it back.

"Hey that's mine" he whines.

"You stole it from Rick" I remind him. Evie slaps his hand and quickly unfolds the puzzle box. It's now shaped exactly like the sarcophagus' lock's keyhole. Suddenly we hear someone screaming bloody murder. "What was that?" I ask them scared as I hug Jonathan.

"Iris stay here with Evie" he tells me. He and Rick run off to go see what's wrong. As I hug Evie scared.

"It'll be ok Iris, I'm sure it was nothing" Evie assures me. They soon return. "What happened?" she asks them.

"Tell you later, right now I think it's time we return to the surface. So Iris can eat before she goes to bed" Rick tells us.

"I agree" Jonathan states. They lead us away from the tunnel they'd gone down. Jonathan and I leading the way as Rick whispers to Evie.

 Evie's POV

"So what happened?" I ask Rick quietly.

"The warden is dead, don't know what killed him" Rick answers.

"We shouldn't tell Iris, I don't want to scare her" I tell him. He nods his head in agreement. We return to the surface and to our campsite. I make Iris eat and do her teeth. She then goes to sleep leaning against me.


Gif above of the sarcophagus falling from the ceiling and picture on the external link of the key in the lock.

The Mummy Trilogy: Iris CarnahanWhere stories live. Discover now