xvi. the supernatural are real

Start from the beginning

"Well, no. No, no, no, no. He's a Druid, okay?" Stiles corrects. "Well, we think."

"So, who's the Kanima?" Stilinski questions as if it was some normal everyday question.

"Jackson." Sabrina states.

"No, Jackson's a Werewolf." Stilinski says, pointing at the color coded chess piece.

"Jackson was the Kanima first, and the Peter and Derek killed him, and he came back to life as a Werewolf. Now, he's in London" Stiles explains.

"Who's the Darack?" Stilinski interrupts, miss pronouncing Darach.

"It's Darach..." Stiles trails off.

"We don't know yet." Sabrina supplies when she sees the look Stilinski is giving Stiles.

"We don't know yet." Stiles repeats, pointing towards Sabrina.

"But he was killed by Werewolves?" Stilinski confirms.

"Slashed up and left for dead." Stiles exclaims, nodding.

"We think." Sabrina adds.

"We think." Stiles repeats after her again. Stilinski shakes his head at the teenagers in front of him. Sometimes they acted so much like siblings it scared him.

"Yeah." Stilinski sighs. Stiles lets a small smile appear on his face thinking his father finally understood everything. "...Why was Jackson the Kanima?"

Stiles smile dropped as he went to answer his father. "'Cause sometimes, the shape that you take reflects the person that you are."

"And what shape would an increasingly confused and angrier-by-the-second father take?" Stilinski questions, glaring at his son.

"Uh, that would be more of an expression like the one you're currently wearing..." Stiles trails off.

"Yeah." Stilinski states, standing up from his position at the chess board.

"Dad-- Dad, would you--" Stiles begins trying to stop his father.

"Not now Stiles." Stilinski cuts off as he exits his sons bedroom. Stiles lets out a sigh, turning to Sabrina.

"It'll be alright, Stiles. Just give him some time." Sabrina reassures.

"We don't have time." Stiles mumbles, leaving his room.


"Hey! Guys!" Sabrina calls as she enters the school. After leaving Stiles, Scott had texted her informing her that it wasn't guardians the Darach was after it was philosophers, like teachers. And tonight there just so happened to be a recital at school. "What's happening?"

"Nothing right now." Scott tells the blonde before turning to her sister. "Lydia, I thought you were going home."

"I can't." Lydia states, causing Sabrina to turn to her in confusion. " I don't know why I am the one that keeps finding the bodies, but maybe... if I just stopped trying to fight it... I'd find them before it happens. Maybe with enough time for someone like you to do something about it."

"You get me the time, and I'll do something about it-- I swear to God, I will." Scott promises.


The recital had started causing students, parents, and teachers to file into their seats. Scott, Sabrina, and Lydia had stayed standing in the back so they could be ready to move if they needed to. It didn't take long for Scott and Sabrina to notice Lydia was gone.

"What the hell?" Sabrina comments as she looks around the room.

"Scott." Stiles exclaims running into the building.

"C'mon." Scott begins. "We can't find Lydia."

"Lydia! Lydia?" The trio calls, running out of the school, though they received no reply.

"Anything?" Stiles questions as Scott uses his werewolf abilities to search for Lydia.

"She's not answering texts. What do we do?" Sabrina asks, her worry for her sister growing every second.

When Scott doesn't answer Sabrina, Stiles tries. "Scott. Scott?"

Suddenly Scott fell to the ground, clutching his head in pain. "Scott?" Sabrina yells kneeling down to make sure he was okay. Though she didn't feel to good herself. Something in side of her told her something was wrong.

"It's Lydia." Scott mumbles, taking off into the school. He was faster than both Sabrina and Stiles, but they kept up pretty well. They followed him to a classroom, he was ahead of them, already in the room. By the time Stiles and Sabrina reached it the door was shut with a desk pressed against it. They couldn't get in.

"Lydia!" Sabrina screams when she sees her sister taped to a chair, a red mark wrapped around her throat. Sabrina tried with all her might to push the door open, but it wouldn't budge. She peeked through the window to see Scott lying on the floor, blood flowing from his mouth. Looking across the room she saw Mrs. Blake, Jennifer, pushing Sheriff Stilinski up against a wall. "Stiles, your dad." Sabrina exclaims. Trying one more time Sabrina and Stiles were able to push the door open. But it was too late. Jennifer, the Darach Sabrina realized, was gone and she had taken Sheriff Stilinski with her.

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