More fun..... 😈Ch.11😈

Start from the beginning

I opened my eyes, and felt something poking my arm, I turned towards Papyrus, shooting him a confused gaze. "Ah finnaly. You've been like that for ten minutes now!" My eyes widened. "Oh? Sorry if I worried you Pappy! I guess I got lost deep in thought!" I rubbed the back of my skull, seemingly nervous. 'My acting is perfect, he doesn't suspect a thing~!' I thought with hidden glee. "Heh, s'all right. I just, guess with all this I'm becoming much more paranoid then before!" He smiled wearily, I lunged at him, giving him a reassuring hug. "Nyah! Jesus christ Sans! Careful!" I chuckled slightly, snuggling up to him. Then realization hit me, as I looked up at him with a shit eating grin. "You said nyahh~" I purred teasingly. He made an attempt to push me off of him, his face blaring orange in embarressment.

"Aww, calm down Pappy! I'm only teasing~" I got off of him laughing. 'I have such the urge to slap him..' Paps grumbled in his mind. 'Ooh.. Try me bitch~' I snorted as I thought a load of random funny shit, turning my head towards the tv. Thankfully a funny scene was in the midst of playing in the anime. 'Aaahh.. The perfect coverage!'I thought sighing... Lots of time passed, we played boardgames, uno, cooked, watched anime. We did so much together that we ended up exhausted. By nine o'clock we went and put ourselves to bed, bidding eachother goodnight. I set a magical mental timer to wake me up at 11:25pm. Then collapsed under my blankets.

*Le shoitty tem skoip*

I woke up, changed into my clothes, grabbed a few weapons, yeeting them into my inventory. I locked my door quietly, teleporting to Gasters cell in the dungeons. I poked his shoulder several times, he remained asleep. I sighed shaking my head and slapping him harshly across the face. He woke up with a start, both his eyes glowing fiercely, then he noticed me, whom was raising a bone brow at him in disapproval. "Ah, its you. Whats the time?" "Eleven thirty." He nodded. "Just in case he comes early, hide in the shadows. I'll be right back, I need a coffee.." He quickly teleported before I could reply, and returned with a steaming hot cup of coffee. "These guards are idiots.. Falling asleep at night, leaving the cells unattended, thinking you don't have your magic." I clicked my tounge and he laughed heartily. "Thank you for returning it! Life is much better with it. Guess I'm too lazy to do shit without it!"

I nodded chuckling a bit as he took a sip of his coffee. 'He's fucking obsessed with it I swear! If he could date it, I bet fucking he would!' I snorted slightly, and in return Gaster glared at me, seemingly knowing what I was thinking since I often mocked him about it. "You can't blame a man for being over obsessed with something after being stuck in a void for years Sans."  Another sip, a roll of blue pinpricks, four feet padding across the floor gently. I dashed into the dark corner, dismissing my pupils as the Temmie walked towards the bars, sitting down in front of them. "Hey Gaster. I'm a bit earlier then expected to be honest. How things goin'?" "Fine... Mmh~" Gaster closed his eyes, smiling in ecstasy. "God.." I flinched at that horrid word, casually and quietly sliding down the wall and sitting down cross-legged. "You and your coffee, how are you never caught with that smell on you?" He washed the last of it down his throat, setting the cup down besides himself.

"The guards drink a lot of it aswell, they smell it on themselves so they never notice. And to be honest they're far more obsessed with it then I am." Temmie shook his head, and they ended up having a pretty steady conversation. "By the way.... I know who the real killer is.." Temmie suddenly stated, an evil grin spread across his fugly face. I stood up quickly, eyes emitting a dark red glow. "I'm afraid its your own son~" He purred, tilting his head to the side, smiling sadisticly. "Sans...." I started growling, slowly it got louder and darker. I teleported behind him, pressing my dagger to his neck. "Peek-a-boo~" And slit his throat, blood splattered everywhere, and he turned into dust. I took the glove off of my right hand, and spelt with his blood on the ground 'All sinners go to hell~~' I laughed maniacly, slitting the throats of all the guards there, loud choking and dust spreading noises woke the others up.

All the prisoners including Gaster watched eagerly, pride burning in my Dad's non existant veins. My laughter echooed loudly, deeply and darkly across the dungeons and up to the castle past judgement hall. I grabbed my machetes, driving and twisting through the guards' guts, they kept coming, so I got my metal spike chain ball, and used that to dispose of them quickly. Then came the King and Queen, they gasped in fear at the sight of me. Covered head to toe in blood and dust, eyes having a long thin dark red pinprick glowing within them, psychotic grin spread across my face from non-existant ear to ear. My pinpricks turned into pentagrams. "Well, well.. Well.. What scum do we have approaching us this time? Dare you fuck with me and get in my way to succession!?" I screamed, and King Asgore produced his tridant, followed by Queen Toriel too.

"S-Sans.. It w-was you all along! Why Sans?!" She demanded, tears running down her fluffy cheeks and dampening them. "PAPY WILL BE MINE!!" I roared, charging towards them, scathe now in hand, slicing through their torsos. "S-Sans... This isn't right.. You don't have to do.. This.." Asgore choked, holding onto his wound, Toriel leaning on him, crying. "YOU'RE WRONG!! I WILL DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO HAVE HIM! ITS ALL NESSACARY!! SATAN WILL REWARD ME FOR ALL MY HARD WORK!" I growled kicking them in the visible part of their wounds, and they fell to the ground with a loud thud. I gave a small, psychotic laugh, and right before decapitating them I said..

" P A P Y W I L L B E M I N E ! "

They turned to dust, and a tall figure loomed over me, I turned, to see Gaster. He smiled, "Its time to test the button Sans." I nodded, producing it, we held eachothers hands tightly, and pressed the button.

*Reset.... Entire.. Timeline...*

(Sorry bout the long wait! I was, well still am busy with a few requests! I hope you enjoyed this, glad to see 555 views! Last time I checked it was twenty! It kinda reminds me of that daft punk film, interstella 555 XD See ya soon ma darlin's~!)

{DISCONTINUED}💙Yandere BlueBerry X UnderSwap Papyrus🧡Where stories live. Discover now