W.D Gaster's Return!

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~(Gasters P.O.V)~

I sighed, and Sans helped me up. We both knew that we would have to explain this to Papyrus. And I also knew that Sans was a Yandere for his brother. I didn't mind all to much, but as long as I lived I wouldn't go against it. And besides, as soon as I possibly could I'd be going back to the lab to greet Undyne. 'I hope she remembers me, because practically no one does anymore.' Something that surprised me, was that the both of them knocked me back over. Hugging me like hell. "D-dad? H-how though? I'm so happy and confused!" I smiled and explained it all, meanwhile Sans looked uncomfortable. But he had his eyes fixed on his brother. "Dad?" He asked "Yes Sans?" "Can you come with me for a minute?" I nodded and he led us to his room, locking the door behind us. "Theres something I have to tell you... I-I'm in love with Paps..." "I know Sans, I've seen but... Is Undyne still alive?"

His face darkened. "No.." "Oh... Alright then... Well, I suppose I could help you out with this sort of stuff. I know a lot about the people in the underground, and perfect ways to ELMINATE them." (Lol Gasters Info Chan now XDDD) I didn't believe what I'd just said, but I wanted Sans to be happy, although I'm pretty sure he was going to kidnap his brother as well... Even though we all live here. 'Maybe he'll put Papyrus in a dark room nobody knows about? But... I guess I'll help him, it's the most I can do for him in this sort of situation...' I thought looking away from my son. "W-wowie! I appreciate your offer very much Dad! And I will accept it! As long as you don't try anything~"  I store at him for a second. Then shook my head. I went and lay on his bed, arms behind my head and one leg over the other.

"You still have this? Aren't you 20?" I asked. "Um yeah.. But I still act like a kid when Paps is around! So... I kinda need to, and besides its comfortable." He replied, rubbing the back of his skull. "Hmm, why I do have to agree with you on that term. It's so comfortable that I don't want to get off of it." "Yeah as if I'll let you do that. I'll drag you off if I have too!"  "Pfft don't get to mad about it son." "Ughhh you sound like Papyrus when he tells the worst pun he possibly can!!" Sans whined.  "I thought you liked them, you always used to. Have they gotten worse?" I asked. "Well yes ovbiously!  I do still like some of them.." I laughed slightly tossing my head back, 'some things never change do they?' 

~(Papyrus's P.O.V)~

'Hmm.. They're taking a while, I guess it's important.' I thought looking towards Sans's room. I threw myself onto the sofa, ending up in a perfectly lazy position. Pulling my hood up I looked at the time on my phone, '12:30, jeez afternoon already. Time sure does fly eh?' I looked up as I heard Sans and Gaster coming downstairs. "What took ya so long?" I asked lazily. "Oh nothing much, just catching up thats all Son." Gaster replied kindly whilst smiling, Sans nodded and asked. "Anyone hungry? I could cook Tacos!"  I sat up properly and said sternly. "Oh no you don't! Not after you fell over that bone." "But Papy-" "But nothing! Look I'll cook you and Dad do whatever m'kay? Cause I ain't lettin' ya back in the kitchen for a while." Sans huffed and crossed his arms, but I think we both knew that this was for his own good. "Can I at least watchhh?" He wined I nodded getting quite fed up with all this crap.

"Would you like some help with cooking Son?" Gaster asked, and all I did was nod and walk into the kitchen. As soon as I walked into the kitchen I saw the bone and bent down to pick it up. I held the bone, examining it, 'Nothing seems wrong with it' I thought, 'It's not sharp or anything so I guess I'll just give it to the dog. But for now I'll just keep it in my inventory.' I put it in my inventory and grabbed the recipe book, there was only one marked page and that was the taco page. I sighed and flipped through the pages looking for something better for dinner. Sans went and sat on the table, and Gaster took the book out of my hands saying, "Let me have a look, I could probably cook better than you." He said sarcastically towards the end and I smirked knowing he was lying. I remembered that he almost burned the house down when he was trying to make Spaghetti. "Oooh Says the one who nearly burnt the house down!" I said sticking my orange ecto-tounge out at him. "Ha. Still cheeky I see." I pulled my ecto-tounge back into my mouth nodding, unaware that Sans nearly fell off the table blushing. (XDDDD I couldn't help it!!)

Gaster flipped through the pages of the cook book then smiled once he found one. "What about this one son?" He asked showing me the recipe for Quiche. I nodded and grabbed the ingrediants. I handed them to Gaster and we started to cook the Quiche, Sans watched us quitely every now and again he would do something on his phone, I didn't know what he was doing on it though. We put the Quiche in the oven and I turned around to see Sans rapidly tapping his phone. "Hm? 'Ey Sans what 'cha doin'?" I asked pulling a chair out and sitting down on it. "Oh, uh just texting someone..." He said quietly, it wasn't like him to be this quiet, he was normally extremely energetic. Not quiet and calm. "M'kay bro, have you been doin' that the entire time that we've been cooking?" He shook his head in response. "What have ya been doing other than this then." I asked, filled with curiosity. "Looking random things up, like pictures of animals." "What kind?" I asked teleporting a bottle of honey out of the cupboard, starting to chug it. Sans looked at me with a flat expression  as I did this and answered.

"Dogs, Cats, Spiders. Etc.." His voice faded slightly and I replied. "'Ya know that a spider is an insect right?" He nodded, not seeming to care on replying. Gaster looked at us with curiosity, noticing Sans's phone he asked, "Sans, Papyrus. Do you still have that phone I lost when I fell into the core?" Sans shrugged, which again, wasn't like him 'Gee I think I'm rubbing off on him..' I thought. "Yeah, I still have it. I hid it in my room away from Sans, I kinda thought he wouldn't remember a thing from that day, since nobody else does. Or... did..." I said rubbing the back of my neck, my voice fading near the end. My eyes darkened slightly, remembering that Undyne died, that was the worst thing I could think of right now. Even with all the resets and genocide routes. All though thankfully the human left years ago along with Chara who unfortunately still lingered in my nightmares.

I teleported to my room, fetched the phone then teleported back downstairs and handed it to Gaster. "Ah, thank you son!" He said smiling, Sans raised a bone-brow, then shrugged returning to his phone. I suddenly had an idea and smirked, teleporting behind him whilst sat on the table. My smirk widened as I snatched the phone off of him. "Wha- PAPYRUSSS!!! GIVE ME MY PHONE!!" He shouted at me and I swiftly jumped off of the table, running upstairs to get away from him, phone in hand. I heard Gaster laughing slightly as Sans chased me around the house, I then summoned a gaster blaster and jumped upon it. Sans growled slightly and summoned a raft made of bones, I raised a bone-brow at this but flew away from him on my blaster. "PAPPPYRRUUUSSSS!!!!!" He shouted chasing after me, I teleported both me and the blaster outside, and Sans ran outside re-summoning his raft and hopped apon it. Gaster came outside and leaned against the wall, laughing at our childish behaviour. Sans growled again, causing me to smirk and fly even higher. And the good news was that nobody was currently around, except Muffet of course, she was standing outside of her cafe watching us. And upon seeing Gaster she waved and walked over to talk to him, I couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but I was guessing that she still remembered him.

{DISCONTINUED}💙Yandere BlueBerry X UnderSwap Papyrus🧡Where stories live. Discover now