Could lying be any easier?

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~(Sans's P.O.V)~

"Nooo I don't wanna get upppp!" I moaned as my brother shook me. "Get up! It's 12:30 already!" I jumped up in surprise. "I'm up!" I cried as I leaped out of my bed grabbing my scarf as I did so. I put it on messily and tried to get to the door but Papyrus stopped me. "Wha-? Papy let me through!" "No, turn around lemme fix you're scarf for ya'." I did as he asked and he tied my scarf into a bow for me. I blushed uncontrollably as his hands fiddled with my scarf slightly touching the back of my neck. 'God Papy... Such a tease... But soon you will be mine...' I thought as he finished tieing the bow. I turned back around and hugged him tightly, my sweetness activating. "Thanks Papy!" "Oh um... No problem bro!" I smiled and went downstairs to make us our breakfast/dinner. He leaned against the wall watching me. I bit my ecto-tounge slightly, making sure he didn't see it. I turned around and handed him the thankfully edible tacos. He took it and winked. "Thanks bro."

~(Time Skip)~

"Sans....?" "Hm? Yes brother?" I answered with a question, the stars in my eyes fading slightly. "Th-theres been a murder... A-Alphys and another monster are dead..." He was stammering, fear in his eyes. I put on a scared/worried look and acted perfectly. "M-maybe we should stay at home, o-or maybe even get the others to safety?" I stammered, lying of course. But he still fell for it. He nodded and teleported out. 'Now that he's out of the way for a bit..' I ran upstairs, and grabbed my precious scythe. I ran my finger along it, 'My second favourite weapon.~' I thought and threw a black cloak on whilst running downstairs and out the door.

(Sorry I couldn't find a reaper version of BlueBerry so this'll have to do

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(Sorry I couldn't find a reaper version of BlueBerry so this'll have to do.) I laughed cruelly and started chopping random monsters in half, making sure nobody recognised me. I made my way to hotland, where Undyne was. I ran into the lab and saw her. "S-Sans? I-is that you?" She stammered. "Bye bye, Undyne~" I said and swung my scythe at her, cutting her head off and then chopping her up into peices. "So.. Now who should I go to kill? I can't kill the Queen because Papyrus is currently with her-" I cut myself off as I heard the lab door open, I teleported into a dark spot, hiding from whoever it was that was there. "N-no! Not U-Undyne... Sh-she could've helped us..." "Theres no time to think about that now Papyrus! The murderer is probably still around here." Queen Toriel said and Papyrus nodded, saying. "Oh I do hope my little Sans is okay..." I blushed slightly, although I was annoyed at being called 'little'. I teleported out of there and back home. I checked my lv, and hp. *LV:4, HP:Full.* (Idk whatthe hp is for lv 4 I forgot. Sorry!!)

I quickly changed out of my blood covered cloak, and took the mini gaster blaster off of it. I burned the cloak, it didn't really matter since I could always get another one. I got rid of my scythe and went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower, to dispose of the remaining blood and it's smell. I ran into my bedroom and sighed. "looks like I'll have to wear these..." I muttered, putting on a white shirt, a blue hoodie, (Like Papyrus's so no zip.) a pair of baggy black trousers and white trainers. "Sans you've really done it this time.. Papyrus will wonder why I look so lazy... Like him~" I said falling into a fantasy world about him. "SANSSS!!!!!!!! I'M BACK!" papyrus shouted, knocking me out of my daydream. I ran downstairs. And Papyrus's eyes widened when he saw what I was wearing. "S-Sans? What are you wearing?" He looked confused but pleased at the same time.

"Um.. My battle body needed washing and this was all I had.." I blushed slightly, my soul was beating faster like it always does when I'm around my brother. He saw that I was blushing and asked. "Sans? Is something wrong? Why are you blushing?" I looked away embarassed. "Sh-shut up Papy.. I just had a sudden thought okay?" "M'kay bro, but what was it about? Was it a fantasy about someone~?" My face burst into a void of blue. "PAPYRUS I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!!!" I shouted at him, looking alot like a bad tempered child. Papyrus chuckled and held up his hands in surrender. "Okay okay I'll stop now." I growled slightly and turned away from him, walking up stairs into my room. I slammed my door shut and slid down the wall and sat all curled up. 'Why can't he understand? Why does everyone constantly get in the way? If it wasn't for them then I'd have Papy straight away...' I thought, and Undyne was also dead now because of me. And I knew that Papy was in love with her... I thought, sobbing slightly. (Get over it, I ship them aswell okay?)

I heard a knock at the door as I was sobbing quietly to myself. "Sans are you okay? I'm sorry I went too far..." I stood up, but didn't let him in. "It's fine Paps.. Just leave me alone for a bit..." My tone was quite emotionless, even though I'd just been crying. Although I doubt Papyrus noticed anything. I locked the door, then threw myself onto my bed. "Ughhh can't I just frickin' get a break around here? I work soooo hardddd!" I groaned having most of my sentance muffled, but I didn't care. Not in the slightest. I curled up on the bed, and fell into a deep slumber. But instead of having sweet dreams about Papyrus, I had nightmares of the ghosts whom I brutally murdered.

{DISCONTINUED}💙Yandere BlueBerry X UnderSwap Papyrus🧡Where stories live. Discover now