More fun..... 😈Ch.11😈

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~Papyrus's P.O.V~

I woke up in my bed, my head was pounding. I sat up groggily, and felt two arms around my waist, I looked down to see a naked and asleep Sans. "Sh-shit.. I didn't... Did I...?? He's gonna kill me when he realizes this.. I shoulda stuck with my stupid fantasies.. I really fucked up this time.. Got bribed into drinking alcohol, most likely so both of us would forget, well I sure didn't.. I took my own brothers fucking virginity! Nghhh!!" I groaned in anger and regret clasping my skull tightly, the smell of sweat and sex surrounding me. "Nghmm.... Papy? What the hell am I doing here? Ohhhh shhiittt..... Welp, those memories'll never leave me." Sans groaned sitting up and rubbing his eye-sockets, his tired embarrassment visible. "S-sorry Sans.. It was all my fault.." I shook my head, tears threatening. Sans seemed somewhat calm, and rubbed circles around my back soothingly. " Hush, it was my fault Paps not yours, but that doesn't matter anymore. Lets just... Pretend it never happened, alright?" He pulled me into a reassuring hug, which I gratefully accepted and returned.

It would be hard as hell to forget what happened and thank-god I no longer felt my fantasizing crush on my bro. I pulled away from the hug and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. I sighed happily, the feeling of warmth rushing in and out of my bones. 'Why do I always start crushing on Sans every heat season? Confusing much....' Once I finished my shower I wrapped myself up in a towel and left the bathroom meeting Sans outside. He entered the bathroom, and I went to my room to clean it and get changed.

~Sans' P.O.V~

I sighed knowing Paps didn't actually have a crush on me. How? I read his mind whilst waiting outside the bathroom. I had a quick shower, and headed to my room. "Im gonna have to clean the living room later.. " I groaned and grabbed my newly washed battle-body and putting it on. But when I went downstairs I noticed he'd already beaten me to it. I couldn't help but smile at his eager actions to rid himself of the memory. Little does he know about the real me though, he only got part of it last night, and there still so much to come.

It was quite a while before we had the entire house cleaned and rid of smell. It now sparkled in places, and smelt wonderfully of lavender. Exhausted, I flunked down on the couch sighing. Using my magic to grab an anime disc and putting it in the CD Player and turning the tv on. Paps raised a bonebrow, sitting next to me. "How much am I unaware of when it comes to your magic?" He asked with more curiosity then confusion. I gave him a simple answer. "A lot." My eye glowed slightly, and I decided to close both, channeling my magic to contact Gaster. 'Daadd~' I sang and I heard him cussing in shock.

'Oh... Its you Sans, how are things?'
'Haha, perfectly fine, I managed to trick Paps into fucking me last night since we were still in heat~'
'Oh! Congragulations, but did he remeber?'
'Yes, which is a bit shit if you ask me.. But it was fun. What're the dungeons like?' Gaster snorted slightly.
'Pretty good, I leave whenever the guards aren't around to grab a cup of coffee. They are a load of insane monsters here who I often talk to aswell..'
'Ooh~ This is going somewhere isn't it~'
'Yep. I'm thinking about setting them loose on a rampage.'
'Good! I like the sound of that. By the way, have you seen Temmie lately?'
'Yes, why?'
'I have some buisness to do with him~ He has the reset and erase button. He's such a pussy though, he's had it for years! But not once has he used it!'
'That sounds amazing.. All the things you could do with it!' I could practically see Gasters eyes shining in excitement, and shivering in delight.
'Thats why I'm going to kill him, then I'll have it~!'
'He's coming to talk to me tonight. Twelve o'clock on the dot. I suggest you reset as soon as you get it. I'll press it with you so we both remember if it works. Then we can do this over and over again!' A smirk crawled up onto my face.
'That isn't half bad of an idea Dad... Hahahahaha.... Lets do this then shall we~? More fun then imaginable!!' I growled, sweet insanity bublling up inside of me.
'See ya soon Sans.'

{DISCONTINUED}💙Yandere BlueBerry X UnderSwap Papyrus🧡Where stories live. Discover now