12. Mind game: The Queen, The Joker and The King Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Well then, let me see you off" He smile that ^_^ annoying smile.

"Please" ^_^

"^_^" He opened the door for me and out I went with him following behind.


"Gahhh, I just feel like I've just aged ten more years?" A student from the council said who probably felt the tension that just left the room.

"Lady Scarlet is like a goddess as they say but damn her smile and tone to his highness almost killed me, it was so scary!" Another student spoke up as he sat down on one of the couch.

"Well, at least we got to see his highness covering up for Lady Scarlet. It was a beautiful yet painful scene when he got rejected"

The conversation went on as the students in the council prayed that a day like this wouldn't come again. They were after all unable to breathe with the tension in the room and as a result, all they could was pray deep inside their hearts.


Back to Amerllyis


"If princess does not mind me asking this question, are you and your brother alright?" Zen asked with a hint of worry in his eyes which was a first and so was scary for Amerllyis.

"We're fine, he's just messed up from loving me too much" She replied with an eye roll and a smug face but still couldn't hide her worry for her brother.

The prince, of course, noticed it and found it amusing after all Amerllyis was a girl born in a rich and happy environment, loving family and relatives who spoiled her. She was also equally popular with both genders and treated each and every person with the same respect they offered her, in short, she had nothing to worry about, everything was settled for her but pity, she died young only to be reincarnated as yet another spoiled young girl.

"You don't need to go further, I have to find bro anyway. Bye" And the girl walked away confidently without looking back, she just saw what was in front.

"He seems to have started again, how cute" The prince smiled to himself as he watched the flower petals falling slowly and beautifully

"Just like a flower, all is fragile. All will wither"



"I'm busy, later" Searching for Zero was hard and now he's running away again? Not that easy.

"Not Today" I tightly grasped his waist with both of my arms "I. Need. To. Talk!" I tightened my grasp, he is definitely not escaping, I need to clear his beautiful and clean mind which K has violated.

"Llys.. not now. I'll come when it's time" He softly caressed my hands getting me off guard as he freed himself from grasp and walked away, not looking back.

"Blegh, that left a bad taste"

I was left with no option but to go back to my dorm and hatch a plan to make my bro talk to me again. Well at least I hope the plan works if I do make a plan.

"Evening, Angel. How was the day?" The first thing I saw was 'a thing' sleeping on my bed playing an online mobile game while feeding itself with chips and drinks. It clearly was annoying, making itself at home without the owner.

"Whatcha staring at? You hungry?" It continued playing the game without turning to look at me, the owner even once, who had certainly started to lose her patience.

It finally stopped after a few more minutes and looked at me with the same annoying smile plastered on his face. As if it had only dawned upon him whose room he was in.

"So, your brother talked to you yet?"

"Yeah, he said he loved me in a romantic way and couldn't bear to see me engaged to another guy so he distanced himself from me. Any problem?"

"^_^ How cute. Make sure to let him suffer more"


I shot him with a gun or so I wished, I hit hit him on the head with an ordinary hammer that I summoned with my creation magic (yeah, I use my magic only to make my life more comfy. Tsk) which did not effect him at all as he acted like he was hurt. So inhuman. Oh, wait he's not a human!

"Anyway the deadline is day after tomorrow, Marquis Lance's Birthday" He smiled innocently as he disappeared into thin air with a 'rest now' lingering the room for few minutes. As if, I'll listen, I'll refresh myself, practice magic, eat dinner, take a walk and only would I rest then.



The following day, the same thing happened and all I could do was try again continuously in vain. Brother wouldn't talk to me, much less a glance. I looked like one of those stalkers or fan girls that followed him, thankfully everyone in the kingdom knew who I was. Thanks to the power my family had and my godlike beauty I beheld.

I spent almost the whole day trying to talk to him but it never worked, all I got in return was either a cold glare or a soft look that literally told me not to look for him as of now.

Lyllia had to carry me back to my room because I kept ignoring her when she requested me to go back to my dorm to choose my gown for Marquis Lance's birthday.

"I'll wear this with this shoes" They were heels but who cares? No one!

I chose a royal blue gown that went with my shiny and soft hair, it was simple yet elegant. Mother personally packed all my clothes according to my and her taste, 'cause everything here was simple yet glowed with elegance.

"Zero nii doesn't wanna talk to me, what the hell am I to do now?" I sighed as I fell on my extravagant royal bed. This academy really has all the time in the world to decorate rooms for students with rare magic like me, huh?

"He will talk to you" She paused for a moment, "Ladies shouldn't swear, milady"

"Llyse, honey. Call me Llyse"


"... I'm sleeping. Goodnight"

"But you haven't had dinner yet, milady"


"Lady Llyse?"


She sighed "Llyse, have your dinner"

"Lets go, I'm really tired and hungry!" I quickly got up from my bed and ran to the dorm's empty dinning hall. The other girls were probably already in the middle of their beauty sleep. Tomorrow was important, everyone needed to look beautiful, elegant yet youthful.

The Next Day

"Levi Ve' Kaysen Lance, Lord Reinard's younger bro" K smiled ^_^ as usually whilst introducing himself.

Tell me again, what is he doing here, as Leo's brother?

This guy is a whole lot of shit than I thought!


A/N: There ya go, I'm done! Hope y'all enjoyed it, I'll try to update faster next time.  Please cheer me on, haha >///<


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