Chapter 9

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I sat by the window. It was already morning, but I didn't get any sleep. Knowing the true reality wast just too much for me to take in. I've loved Clarence for years, but somehow, his feelings for me disappeared somewhere in the few years that have passed. I wanted to know what happened, but I just couldn't bring myself to even look at him now, much less ask such a thing. Breaking my train of thought there was a knock on the door. "Lady Cynthia?" It was a voice I knew. 'It can't be.' I thought to myself as I reluctantly invited the voice in. It was just as I suspected the person who came through the door was my suitor's butler, Alabaster. I stepped off my bed facing him ready if he were to attack at any moment. "It would seem you have taken a disliking to me." He scoffed.

"Indeed." I return.

"I hope that would change soon." He smirked at me. 'How rude.' I thought as I watched each step he took forward towards me intently. "We have plans for you today, Lady Cynthia." He continued as he handed me a box he had hidden behind his back. He bowed as he offered it to me, but I was feeling skeptical about this.

"What is it?" I asked masking my distrust.

"It's what Master Haze has asked for you to wear today for your outing." He answered still bowing with the offering outstretched in his hands. I reluctantly open it. Inside was a beautiful velvet dress decorated with long dragging lace sleeves, a built in corset, and a matching pair of high heeled boots along with a matching headband with a well made felt rose on the right side. I accepted the box from Alabaster. "Thank you" I politely tell him.

"Master Haze has good taste yes?" He asks with a spark in his eye.

"I cannot disagree." I honestly tell him.

"Indeed, you cannot." He scoffs again. "Well, Here's where I take my leave, I will send in a maid to help you get dressed and escort you to the awaiting carriage." As soon as he steps out the door Lydia comes running in. "That guy is scary." She shivered as she helped me out of my nightgown. "M'Lady I have strong doubts about that butler." She looked deeply into my eyes. "If you don't want to marry this 'Master Haze' just say so! Your mother and Father, I'm more than certain that they will accept your decision!" She exclaimed in a low voice trying not to be heard.

"It's not that simple." I answer staring at the wall ahead of me. I was vexed. Everything around me felt distorted and I just didn't know what to do. My mind kept driffting off and away from reality, it kept thinking about Clarence. "I can't forget." I whisper. 

"What was that m'lady?" Lydia raised an eyebrow at me.

"It's.. It's nothing." I feigned a smile at her.

"Lier. You and I both know something's the matter." She was worried. I wanted to tell her what was going on, but it just wasn't safe. If I told her anything she'd definitely tell my parents, or much worse Clarence. It just wouldn't end out well.

"Please don't worry yourself about me." I tried.

"M'lady.." She started.

"Please Lydia." I stop her with an upset tone. By then I was all dressed and ready to go so I rushed out the door, out the manor's giant doors, and jumped into the carriage before she could catch me.

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