Chapter 2

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When I finally got to the dining room Clarence was waiting there for me. He pulled out my chair. “Please have a seat.” He recited, just like every other morning. I walk over to my seat and sit down, trying not to stare at him. “Today after breakfast your tutor is coming over to help you with your math and writing skills.” He said while flipping through his calendar. “Later your first suitor is coming in to have lunch with you. Your father is looking forward to good news, m’lady.” He suggests with a cough. “But of course, Clarence.” I politely reply trying my best to hold my tongue. He senses my annoyance of the matter. “Cynthia.” He said while holding his forehead full of frustration. “Look, I’m just not looking forward to getting with a strange man I don’t love.” I state while stuffing my face neatly with food. “Cy- m’lady. It’s not like when we were kids anymore, you must move forward.” He said trying to avoid my pale, baby blue eyes. “So you’re breaking your promise for real?” I ask with disbelief. “Look, I don’t have a choice! You know that.” He snaps. “Yes you do!” I snap back at him. He gives off a sigh and replies, “Please do not disappoint your father.” He walks out of the room and silently closes the big doors.


“Are you awake?” I hear a familiar voice in my slumber. “Cynthia!” The voice calls again and I snap out of my dreamland with a warm feeling on my lips. I open my eyes and see my childhood friend, my father’s butler’s son, Clarence lightly kissing me. “Hehe, Just like snow white!” He laughs. I hug him with excitement, “Where are we going tonight?” I ask him with a very happy smile. “The usual place! By the lake, there’s something I want to show you!” He loudly whispers. We slip out of the manor as quiet as a Christmas mouse and run out into the back where the property ends and a beautiful lake begins with mountains just beyond the other side. “Over here!” He calls out to me a little ways away near an old oak tree. I follow him to a shallow part of the water’s edge. He points to the water, “Look!” he squeals with amazement. I look down and see tiny tadpoles, stunned by the little creatures I didn’t notice that Clarence sneaked away. I heard a rustle in the bushes, turn around, see thousands of fireflies fly out of the bushes, and a leaf covered Clarence with a big grin laughing at me. We’ve known each other almost all our lives, and I’ve loved him ever since my 6th birthday when he gave me my first kiss as a present. However, this was the first time I’ve ever seen him like this, we are now both 10 years old. So young, but I just know. He’ll be the one and only love of my life.

Three years later:

We were at our usual place by the lake behind the manor, just watching the fireflies dance in the midnight air. “I- I’m in love with you.” He starts. I look in disbelief.  “You. What?” “I’m in love with you.” Clarences proclaims with a stern expression. He moves closer. “Would you marry me? I- I mean when we’re older.” He says a bit more shyly. I’m speechless as he holds out a pearl to me.  “I know it’s not a ring yet, but we can make it into one when we get married.” He says while trying hard not to look away from my flushed face. I began to cry.  “Yes.” I whisper as we then share a kiss of promise.

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