Chapter 7

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He stopped dead in his tracks as he glared into Ruben’s eyes.
“Who are you?” He asked with a fire burning in his dark orange eyes.
“My name is Ruben, Ruben Sheperd.” He said like a totally different person. His nervous self was gone as if it never existed.
“You must be the new garden hand.” Clarence recomposed himself.
“Indeed.” Ruben replied suspiciously. His emerald eyes were even more beautiful now that I didn’t have blurred vision.
“You must have a lot of work to do.” Clarence hinted at him cradling me with displeasure.
“Ah!” He froze. I guess he didn’t realize he was still holding me. When he put me down Clarence turns to me and hisses, “Now, Cy- I mean, m’lady. We have business to discuss.” Before he could grab my arm I suddenly, without realizing it, dive into the lake and take off swimming as fast as I can. ‘Thank goodness my parents gave me swimming lessons!’ I thought as I darted towards the other side. Unfortunately Clarence, the determined man he was, jumped into the water after me. When he caught me he drug me down under the water’s surface for a while, not too long, but just long enough to suffocate me with a passionate kiss. When we got back up Clarence held me very close to his chest. “How unladylike.” He protested as he held back his laughter. I didn’t think it was funny. “You-” He cut me off with another passionate kiss. I push him off with embarrassment, I turn to Ruben thinking he was still there, but he was gone.

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