Chapter 5

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I came home that evening to find my mother and father waiting by the manor doors pacing back and forth while anticipating when I’d get home. When they saw us approaching they both squealed as they ran towards us. “How’d it go my girl?” My father exclaimed.

“Good I hope.” Added my mother.

“It went. Smoothly.” I mumbled.

“That’s great!” My parent’s screamed in unison.

“He’d make a beautiful addition to our company! We’d get so many benefits by merging!” My mother cooed.

“Indeed, Darling” My father hugged her.

I wasn’t in the mood to speak to them, after talking and listening to my talkative fiancé I only wanted the comfort of my bed.

“Clarence?” My mom asked, “Could you prepare the wine? I wish to have a nice drink with Edwin in celebration.” 

“Oh Karin.” My father cooed, “What a marvelous idea!” My parents danced around with each other in circles as Clarence walked past swiftly to complete his new task.

“I’m going to my room.” I said trying to hide my exhaustion. 

“Oh yes, Dear. You need your beauty sleep!” My father returned. My mother just laughed as she dragged my father towards the den. ‘My life sucks.’ I thought to myself as I lay on my bed staring out the window at the sunset. I heard a knock on the door.

“M’lady?” Lidia’s voice broke my chain thought. “I heard you arrived home.”

“Indeed.” I reply. I hear the door slowly creek open and Lidia’s footsteps coming closer.

“Did you have a bad time? I can tell something isn’t right.” She adds.

“It’s not that. It’s just. I-”

“Was he just too handsome for words!?” She cut me off, “Or was he ugly!?”

“No, no it’s not that It’s-”

“Don’t tell me! He was a lizard man from space!” Lidia trailed off.

“No.” I replied with annulment.

“He wasn’t to her liking.” a voice answered Lidia.

“Wha-?” Lidia started.

“He was quite an oddball, talked too much, seemed too extravagant with money, and was very unreasonably ill-mannered.” Clarence walked in. I said nothing.

“But, I thought-” Lidia started again.

“What? You thought it went well?” Clarence asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

“Why, yes. Her parents were so excited and they said-”

“Well they were misinformed.” Clarence cut her off again.

Lidia stood silent for a while and slowly walked out of the room, silently closing the door behind her leaving Clarence and I alone. Clarence took a step forward and sat at the foot of my bed. He grabbed my foot and kissed it gently. I pull away. I was upset about this morning still. I pout. “You’re still upset about that?” He asked in a sweet, soft husky voice. I didn’t answer, I turned and looked to the horizon out the window. He sighs and moves himself over in front of my face. “Please don’t be mad at me anymore, m’lady.” He says again sweetly. 

“Please. Leave me be.” I reply. 

“Don’t be like that, I’m-”

“You heard me.”


“It was an order.” I stare at him in the eyes.

“No.” he answered with a huff. 


“I kindly disobey.” He added.

When I try to protest his expression stops me dead cold in my tracks.

“Cynthia.” He leans in.

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