Chapter 4

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The moment we arrived I saw how extravagant this family was. Just the garden was enough to make you think, “Oh gosh, the money it must have taken.” But when we entered, nothing expressed wealth quite like this. The ceilings in every room had renaissance art everywhere, the windows were lined with expensive cloths for curtains, and the engravings on the walls and doors were enough to make even the King’s jaw drop. I stared in marvel of the house as Clarence pulled me along by the hand. Soon we reached the dining room where my suitor was waiting just beyond a gold plated door. “He’s been looking forward to your arrival all day.” The tall man said as he pushed open the heavy, shining door. Light shined in my face as we entered the room, and I smelled a sweet aroma of freshly picked berries. “Honey! You made it!” A charming voice pierced the air landing softly on my ears. I flinched as I felt a stranger’s embrace, when my eyes adjusted to the light from the radiant room I was shocked to see what seemed to be my suitor holding me very close to his chest.

“Ahh...” I panicked.

“I was beginning to think you’d never show up!” he said with a slight whine.

“I- um.” I began. “I’m-”

“I know who you are!” He cut me off. “You’re the woman who stole my heart! Cynthia Michelins!” He squealed with a twinkle in his eyes. He was a fairly tall man, a bit shorter than his butler, and very handsome. His eyes were a deep crimson and his hair was a shining, auburn like Clarence’s. His chest was broad and firm, like an actor’s, it was very clear that he was raised well. He ran a hand through my strawberry brunette hair and looked deep into my eyes. No doubt about it, he was very handsome, and any girl would die for him, but for some reason he made me feel uneasy. I tried to pull away, but he just held on tighter, seeing this, Clarence tapped the young master on the shoulder lightly as he said, “Excuse me young master, but it’s quite rude to put one’s hands on a young lady.”

“Oh!” He chimed like a song bird as he let me go. “Well then! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Haze Mason first born in the Mason family, and heir to the family industry. Oh, and this here is the family butler, Alabaster.”

“At your service.” The tall butler bowed.

“I see.” Clarence cleared his throat. “Since you have been so kind as to formally introduce yourselves, it’d only be polite that we do the same.” Clarence announced. “This, this is lady Cynthia Michelins, first born of the Michelins family, and heir to their family industry.” He proclaims with a huge sense of pride in his tone. “And I, I am her loyal and personal butler, Clarence. Clarence Holtz.” He finally finishes.

“Very formal indeed.” Haze replied laughing with delight.

“I trust you’ll be taking care of her for now?” Clarence asked Haze.

“But of course.” Haze agreed.

Clarence and Alabaster walk out of the room and leave us to our lunch.

“Your butler.” Haze started. “He seems quite. Attached. To you, my love.”

“Why, yes. We’ve been close since childhood.” I confirm.


“Is that a problem?”

“What? No, it’s just.”

“It’s just what?” I squint.

“It’s. Odd.” He relied nervously.

He wasn’t so bad at first, but after Clarence’s attempt to get him off me he began to sound a little rude.

“So, um. Sir. Mason?”

“Call me Haze, Honey.” He replied as he recomposed himself.

“Haze.” I return, “You said ‘I stole your heart?’ But I do believe we haven’t met before now?”



“I’ve seen you in pictures! And might I add you were very! very lovely.” He said as his eyes twinkled like before.

“I see.” I cleared my throat and dug into my food. ‘He is about the most peculiar man I’ve ever met!’ I thought as he went on and on about how “lovely” I was.

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