[25: bliss]

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He had her caged to his body, his arms wrapped so tightly around her she could barely even turn around to face him. Seoyul could understand that he feared losing her, and so she let him hold her until he finally woke up.

"Did you sleep well?" She tentatively placed a finger on his cheek. Jun blinked a few times before a smile slowly formed on his face.

"I didn't have any strange dreams about you disappearing, if that's what you meant." He leaned in to kiss her forehead.  "I had a really peaceful sleep."

"I disappeared?" Seoyul questioned.

Jun stroked her hair. "Nothing for you to be worried about. Just constant nightmares that you died or vanished. It doesn't matter, now that you're here with me."

She snuggled closer to him, enjoying the warmth that emanated off of him.

"Your hands are cold," he muttered, clasping her hands in his.

"You're too warm. Maybe you're meant to warm me up." Seoyul joked.

He just laughed. "Maybe. Any thoughts on getting out of this bed?"

• • •

Jun didn't have to work until Tuesday, so that meant Seoyul had four days in which she could happily spend her time with him.

She was happy. She knew Jun was happy, too. She knew she had to look for her sister, discover her whereabouts, force her into admitting every single crime she had commited—but at the moment she didn't really care. All she had wanted was Jun, and now that she could love him without any worries of being caught, she was free.

They had finished breakfast, but they had gotten back into bed because it seemed like the most logical thing to do.

Jun had leaned in to kiss her jaw, pressing light butterfly kisses all over her smooth skin. Seoyul had just closed her eyes and enjoyed it, the feeling of his affection.

And his kisses trailed slowly to her lips, and they burshed lightly against the corner of it. She sighed, tired of the waiting. "Jun."

He laughed. "Alright, if you say so..."

His lips moved to touch hers, and soon they were holding each other tightly, refusing to let go...


Seoyul jumped, knocking into Jun, earning an "ouch" from the boy. She quickly muttered "sorry" before she dased out of the room, before Minghao could come up the stairs.

Jun, grumpy at having his kiss interupted, curled under the blanket. He could hear them conversing loudly downstairs.

"Wh...why are you here, Hao? Did you find her? Is she coming?" Seoyul said breathlessly. Her face was red from the almost-embarrassment.

"I came to pick Junhui up. That is, if you two haven't made up yet. I hope you have. The poor man was all sad and lonely."

Seoyul made a face at him. "He's in my room."

"Your room?" Minghao asked quizzically as the footsteps neared the door. "Questionable..."

Jun closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. He didn't want to talk to the weird Minghao at the moment.

"Jun. Hello. Hao's here to visit. Open your eyes."

Maybe his body just wanted to obey her every word, so he grudgingly opened his eyes and faced them. "Hello."

Seoyul plopped on the bed next to him. "Any news?"

Minghao shrugged. "She's planning on unleashing some form of weird power down in a cave near the mountains. I've tracked her all the way there, but since all the caves are connected I can't tell for sure which she is in."

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