[17: miss]

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"Kim Seori! Since when did Seoyul become your guinea pig?!"

"Stop shouting at me, you jerk! You always side with her!"

"I wouldn't be shouting at you if you hadn't pulled some stupid stunt or experiment or accident or whatever! You KNEW it was irreversible!"

Seoyul groaned. Those two had been arguing nonstop since afternoon, even worse they were outside her door and preventing her from getting whatever rest she wanted to get.

Honestly? She wasn't even surprised they were arguing.

Xu Minghao had arrived that afternoon to visit her because she said she was sick, but when he came and found out what had really happened to Seoyul, he became a screeching inferno that refused to stop shouting until he had gotten his point across.

"Are you guys gonna stop screaming at each other's faces? I'm trying to rest." She finally opened the door and confronted the two people, faces red from shouting.

Minghao immediately rushed to her side. "Are you okay? You've been lethargic since I got here..." He sneered at Seori. "It's all your fault, you stupid woman! She's your sister, for goodness' sake!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that it was an accident!" Seori screeched.

Seoyul covered her ears, tired of hearing them argue. Without them noticing, she slipped away, back into her room and towards her window.

The two of them probably didn't notice her gradually disappear from the room.

• • •

Seoyul materialised in a park she knew well, in the very least.

It was a park near Minghao's neighbourhood, and she used to go there with him. However, recently she had started going there with someone else entirely.

It had been one year. One, long year. Yet she still hadn't really gotten over Jun's passing.

She remembered the one time they had come when they were dating, and the times they came way before Jun had declared that she was his darling and he was going to date her.

Seoyul could still see it. The way their hands had touched, yet not quite when they walked, the awkwardness of being together even though they weren't dating at the time. She could still remember the stupidest conversation she had had with him that day.

"Jun, there are people watching us."

"Why? Does it bother you?"

"The girls are glaring at me. Probably because they think I'm your girlfriend."

He turned to her. "Does it really bother you that much?"


"Don't think so much, Seoyul. If there's anyone else glaring at you, I'll chase them away."

She laughed. "Chase them? They aren't birds, Jun."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well."

"Speaking of which, are you getting a girlfriend anytime soon?"

"Interested in my love life, huh? That's new..."

She blushed. "Just asking."

"Then what about you? Going to get a boyfriend soon?"

"I'm too young, Jun."

"Young? You're what, three years younger than me?"

"That's still young."

"Wow. So you aren't getting a boyfriend until you're fifty?"

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